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An analysis of post-tsunami migration patterns amongst low-income women to the city of Banda Aceh
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/630/1/012027
N. Aidar 1 , T. Farlian 1

This study discusses the migration patterns of low-income women in the city of Banda Aceh after the December 26, 2004 tsunami and the factors that affected them. Primary and secondary data were used to determine the factors behind migration. Secondary data were obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, the Population and Civil Registry Office of Banda Aceh City, Baitul Mal Banda Aceh. Primary data were obtained from respondents representing three sample districts, namely Syiah Kuala sub-district, Baiturrahman sub-district and KutaAlam sub-district. All of the respondents were women who made the transition to Banda Aceh after the tsunami and are now permanent residents of the city of Banda Aceh. About 60 women were interviewed using a pre-prepared questionnaire. The data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive analysis based on the Snowball sampling method and simple statistics. The results of the study describe the main reasons that women migrated to the city of Banda Aceh after the tsunami, with 64 percent considering employment and job opportunities, 49.1 migrated because of their husband demands, 72 sought better housing prospects, and 3.3 percent sought to avoid locations impacted by the tsunami. This research demonstrates the need for governmental policies regarding increasing employment opportunities for women so they do not become an economic burden to the city of Banda Aceh.



本研究讨论了 2004 年 12 月 26 日海啸后班达亚齐市低收入妇女的迁移模式以及影响她们的因素。主要和次要数据用于确定迁移背后的因素。次要数据来自中央统计局、班达亚齐市人口和民事登记处,Baitul Mal Banda Aceh。主要数据来自代表三个样本区的受访者,即 Syiah Kuala 分区、Baiturrahman 分区和 KutaAlam 分区。所有受访者都是在海啸后过渡到班达亚齐的女性,现在是班达亚齐市的永久居民。使用预先准备的问卷调查了大约 60 名妇女。然后使用基于雪球抽样方法和简单统计的描述性分析对获得的数据进行分析。研究结果描述了海啸后女性迁移到班达亚齐市的主要原因,其中 64% 考虑就业和工作机会,49.1 人因为丈夫的要求而迁移,72 人寻求更好的住房前景,3.3% 寻求避开受海啸影响的地点。这项研究表明政府需要制定有关增加女性就业机会的政策,以免她们成为班达亚齐市的经济负担。49.1 人因丈夫要求而迁移,72 人寻求更好的住房前景,3.3% 寻求避开受海啸影响的地点。这项研究表明政府需要制定有关增加女性就业机会的政策,以免她们成为班达亚齐市的经济负担。49.1 人因丈夫要求而迁移,72 人寻求更好的住房前景,3.3% 寻求避开受海啸影响的地点。这项研究表明政府需要制定有关增加女性就业机会的政策,以免她们成为班达亚齐市的经济负担。
