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Impacts of collective housing relocation in the Ogatsu area of Ishinomaki City after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/630/1/012014
Akira Miyasada 1 , Elizabeth Maly 2

Eight years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, which devastated communities along Japan’s northeast Tohoku coast on March 11, 2011. Housing reconstruction programs in tsunami-affected municipalities included the provision of new residential lots in highland areas and the construction of public housing. The implementation of government-driven recovery projects is almost complete in the municipalities that were destroyed by the tsunami. However, even with these projects, some areas have suffered extreme population loss. Looking at the example of Ogatsu Peninsula and the case of Tachihama village, this paper considers the factors that contributed to residents’ deciding to move away or return and rebuild. According to the majority of the residents who moved away, the prospect of living in temporary housing for the length of time needed for permanent housing to be ready was their main reason for deciding to move somewhere else. Although housing recovery programs are intended to support the rebuilding of communities, the implementation and timeline of the government’s reconstruction programs may actually contribute to or accelerate population decline. As the implementation of reconstruction programs alone after a disaster occurs is not enough to guarantee the housing recovery of all residents, it may be important to consider pre-disaster community-building for the long-term sustainability of disaster-affected communities.



自 2011 年 3 月 11 日东日本大地震和海啸对日本东北沿海地区的社区造成破坏以来已经过去了 8 年。受海啸影响的城市的住房重建计划包括在高地地区提供新的住宅用地和建设公共设施。住房。在被海啸摧毁的城市中,政府推动的恢复项目的实施几乎完成。然而,即使有这些项目,一些地区也遭受了极端的人口损失。本文以小月半岛和立浜村为例,考虑了导致居民决定迁离或返回重建的因素。据大多数搬走的居民说,在准备好永久住房所需的时间内住在临时住房的前景是他们决定搬到其他地方的主要原因。尽管住房恢复计划旨在支持社区的重建,但政府重建计划的实施和时间表实际上可能会导致或加速人口下降。由于仅在灾后实施重建计划不足以保证所有居民的住房恢复,因此考虑灾前社区建设对于受灾社区的长期可持续性可能很重要。尽管住房恢复计划旨在支持社区的重建,但政府重建计划的实施和时间表实际上可能会导致或加速人口下降。由于仅在灾后实施重建计划不足以保证所有居民的住房恢复,因此考虑灾前社区建设对于受灾社区的长期可持续性可能很重要。尽管住房恢复计划旨在支持社区的重建,但政府重建计划的实施和时间表实际上可能会导致或加速人口下降。由于仅在灾后实施重建计划不足以保证所有居民的住房恢复,因此考虑灾前社区建设对于受灾社区的长期可持续性可能很重要。
