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Hawking radiation particle spectrum of a Kerr-Newman black hole
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2021/01/019
Joshua Foo 1 , Michael R.R. Good 2

Charged, rotating Kerr-Newman black holes represent the most general class of asymptotically flat black hole solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations of general relativity. Here, we consider a simplified model for the Hawking radiation produced by a Kerr-Newman black hole by utilising a (1+1)-dimensional accelerated boundary correspondence (i.e. a flat spacetime mirror trajectory) in Minkowski spacetime. We derive the particle spectrum and its late-time thermal distribution which reduces to the Kerr, Reissner-Nordstrom and Schwarzschild cases in the appropriate limits. We also compute the particle spectrum of the extremal Kerr-Newman system and the total energy emitted.



带电、旋转的克尔-纽曼黑洞代表了广义相对论的爱因斯坦-麦克斯韦方程组的最一般的渐近平坦黑洞解。在这里,我们通过利用闵可夫斯基时空中的(1+1)维加速边界对应(即平坦的时空镜像轨迹)来考虑由克尔-纽曼黑洞产生的霍金辐射的简化模型。我们推导出粒子谱及其后期热分布,这些分布在适当的限制下简化为 Kerr、Reissner-Nordstrom 和 Schwarzschild 情况。我们还计算了极值 Kerr-Newman 系统的粒子谱和发射的总能量。