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ACM Transactions on Internet Technology ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1145/3432250
Edy Hourany 1 , Bachir Habib 1 , Camille Fountaine 2 , Abdallah Makhoul 3 , Benoit Piranda 3 , Julien Bourgeois 3

The vision for programmable matter is to create a material that can be reprogrammed to have different shapes and to change its physical properties on demand. They are autonomous systems composed of a huge number of independent connected elements called particles. The connections to one another form the overall shape of the system. These particles are capable of interacting with each other and take decisions based on their environment. Beyond sensing, processing, and communication capabilities, programmable matter includes actuation and motion capabilities. It could be deployed in different domains and will constitute an intelligent component of the IoT. A lot of applications can derive from this technology, such as medical or industrial applications. However, just like any other technology, security is a huge concern. Given its distributed architecture and its processing limitations, programmable matter cannot handle the traditional security protocols and encryption algorithms. This article proposes a new security protocol optimized and dedicated for IoT programmable matter. This protocol is based on lightweight cryptography and uses the same encryption protocol as a hashing function while keeping the distributed architecture in mind. The analysis and simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed method and that a supercomputer will need about 5.93 × 10 25 years to decrypt the message.



可编程物质的愿景是创造一种可以重新编程以具有不同形状并根据需要改变其物理特性的材料。它们是由大量称为粒子的独立连接元素组成的自治系统。彼此之间的连接形成了系统的整体形状。这些粒子能够相互交互并根据其环境做出决定。除了传感、处理和通信能力之外,可编程物质还包括驱动和运动能力。它可以部署在不同的领域,并将构成物联网的智能组件。许多应用都可以从这项技术中衍生出来,例如医疗或工业应用。然而,就像任何其他技术一样,安全性是一个巨大的问题。鉴于其分布式架构及其处理限制,可编程物质无法处理传统的安全协议和加密算法。本文提出了一种针对物联网可编程事物优化和专用的新安全协议。该协议基于轻量级密码学,并使用与散列函数相同的加密协议,同时牢记分布式架构。分析和仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性,超级计算机大约需要 5.93 × 10 该协议基于轻量级密码学,并使用与散列函数相同的加密协议,同时牢记分布式架构。分析和仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性,超级计算机大约需要 5.93 × 10 该协议基于轻量级密码学,并使用与散列函数相同的加密协议,同时牢记分布式架构。分析和仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性,超级计算机大约需要 5.93 × 1025年解密消息。