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Natural Pans as an Important Surface Water Resource in the Cuvelai Basin—Metrics for Storage Volume Calculations and Identification of Potential Augmentation Sites
Water ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.3390/w13020177
Robert Arendt , Christian Reinhardt-Imjela , Achim Schulte , Leona Faulstich , Tobias Ullmann , Lorenz Beck , Sandro Martinis , Petrina Johannes , Joachim Lengricht

Numerous ephemeral rivers and thousands of natural pans characterize the transboundary Iishana-System of the Cuvelai Basin between Namibia and Angola. After the rainy season, surface water stored in pans is often the only affordable water source for many people in rural areas. High inter- and intra-annual rainfall variations in this semiarid environment provoke years of extreme flood events and long periods of droughts. Thus, the issue of water availability is playing an increasingly important role in one of the most densely populated and fastest growing regions in southwestern Africa. Currently, there is no transnational approach to quantifying the potential storage and supply functions of the Iishana-System. To bridge these knowledge gaps and to increase the resilience of the local people’s livelihood, suitable pans for expansion as intermediate storage were identified and their metrics determined. Therefore, a modified Blue Spot Analysis was performed, based on the high-resolution TanDEM-X digital elevation model. Further, surface area–volume ratio calculations were accomplished for finding suitable augmentation sites in a first step. The potential water storage volume of more than 190,000 pans was calculated at 1.9 km3. Over 2200 pans were identified for potential expansion to facilitate increased water supply and flood protection in the future.



纳米比亚和安哥拉之间库韦莱盆地的跨界爱沙那系统具有众多短暂的河流和成千上万的自然平地。雨季过后,平底锅中存储的地表水通常是农村地区许多人唯一可负担的水源。在这种半干旱的环境中,年际和年内的降雨变化很大,引发了数年的极端洪水事件和长期干旱。因此,在非洲西南部人口最稠密,发展最快的地区之一,水的可用性正发挥着越来越重要的作用。当前,还没有跨国方法来量化Iishana系统的潜在存储和供应功能。为了弥合这些知识鸿沟,增强当地人民的生计韧性,确定了适合用作中间存储的扩展盘,并确定了其度量标准。因此,基于高分辨率的TanDEM-X数字高程模型进行了改进的蓝点分析。此外,第一步完成了表面积-体积比的计算,以找到合适的增强部位。在1.9 km处计算出超过190,000锅的潜在储水量3。已确定超过2200个锅具,有可能进行扩展,以促进将来增加供水和防洪。