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Affordances and constraints of mathematics-specific observation frameworks and general elements of teaching quality
Studies in Educational Evaluation ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2020.100956
Erica Litke , Melissa Boston , Temple A. Walkowiak

In this study, we consider the implications of using mathematics-specific observation frameworks versus a synthesized list of indicators when measuring teaching quality. We compare how three mathematics-focused observation frameworks measure teaching quality across three focal lessons and consider the merits of using a synthesized list of indicators such as those presented in the MAIN-TEACH model. We find that the mathematics-specific frameworks: identify similar constructs, but assess them differently; reach similar conclusions regarding overall instructional quality, but for different reasons; and do not capture aspects of instruction that are not mathematics-specific. A synthesized framework could provide a broader set of indicators, promote a common vision of high-quality instruction, and provide a common basis for looking across studies. However, a synthesized framework may remove nuances that allow researchers to capture distinct constructs (or important differences in similar constructs), specifically at a grain size useful for instructional improvement. We also consider methodological concerns raised by the use of a synthesized framework.



