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Edaphic mesostigmatid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) and thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) in rose cultivation and secondary vegetation areas in the Bogotá plateau, Colombia
International Journal of Acarology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13
Diana Rueda-Ramírez, Amanda Varela Ramírez, Everth Ebratt Ravelo, Gilberto J. de Moraes


Soil mesostigmatid mites include predator species with potential as biological control agents. Their use for that purpose in rose crops in Colombia is highly desirable, to complement pest management strategies. The first step for their use in a program is to know their identity. The objectives of this study were: to determine the species of non-Uropodina Mesostigmata present in rose fields and the surrounding secondary vegetation of fields in the Bogotá plateau, relating their occurrence to soil characteristics; and to determine the fluctuation of the density of those mites and of thrips in selected areas of that plateau. The study was conducted between August 2015 and December 2016 in four rose fields in greenhouses at Nemocon, Tocancipa, Cogua and Guasca, and patches of secondary vegetation next to the latter two localities. Twenty soil samples were taken every two months from each area. Complementary samplings were conducted at irregular frequencies in a rose field and a patch of secondary vegetation of other region (Facatativa) and in two patches of high Andean vegetation (La Calera, Soacha). Ninety-six species were found. In both rose cultivation and natural vegetation, Parasitidae and Laelapidae were the dominant families throughout the study, but high proportions of Veigaiidae and Blattisociidae were also observed in secondary vegetation. Twenty-five thrips species were found, distributed in six genera (Thripidae). Mite species composition was compatible with that of temperate areas of other parts of the world, given the high elevation of study sites (2460–2777 m), despite its location close to the equator. Three of the species collected have been commercialized as biological control agents in other countries. A significant and positive correlation was found between mite density and organic matter content and pH level. The study showed a great diversity of Mesostigmata in the Bogota plateau (altogether, 96 species), at least eight of which new to science and several in need of better taxonomic characterization.




土壤中igma螨类包括具有作为生物防治剂潜力的食肉动物。为此,非常需要在哥伦比亚的玫瑰作物中使用它们,以补充有害生物管理战略。在程序中使用它们的第一步是了解它们的身份。这项研究的目的是:确定波哥大高原玫瑰田和田地周围次生植被中存在的非Uropodina Mesostigmata物种,并将其发生与土壤特征相关联;并确定该高原某些地区的螨虫和蓟马密度的波动。该研究于2015年8月至2016年12月在Nemocon,Tocancipa,Cogua和Guasca的温室中的四个玫瑰田中进行,后两个地方旁边的次生植被斑块进行了研究。每两个月从每个区域采集二十个土壤样品。在玫瑰田和其他地区的次生植被斑块(Facatativa)和两个高安第斯植被斑块(La Calera,Soacha)中以不规则频率进行补充采样。发现了九十六种。在玫瑰栽培和自然植被中,寄生虫科和唇形科是整个研究中的主要科,但在次生植被中也观察到了较高的植物科和昆虫科。发现了二十五个蓟马种类,分布在六个属(蓟马)中。尽管研究地点海拔高(2460–2777 m),但螨类的组成与世界其他地区的温带地区相近,尽管其位置靠近赤道。在其他国家,收集到的三个物种已作为生物防治剂商业化。发现螨密度与有机物含量和pH值之间存在显着正相关。该研究表明,波哥大高原的中生食蝗种类繁多(共96种),其中至少有八种是科学新事物,还有一些需要更好的分类学特征。
