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Can Waardenburg syndrome type 2 be explained by epigenetic mosaicism?
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.62075
Rudolf Happle 1

To the Editor,

Waardenburg syndrome type 2 (WS2) is a dominantly inherited phenotype characterized by segmentally arranged depigmented areas of skin, hair, and irides, and sensorineural hearing loss (Liu, Newton, & Read, 1995; Read & Newton, 1997). The trait is usually caused by variants in the melanocyte inducing transcription factor (MITF) gene (Barashkov et al., 2019; Haddad et al., 2011; Tassabehji, Newton, & Read, 1994) and more rarely by variants in the tyrosine kinase receptor ligand (KITLG) (Ogawa, Kono, & Akiyama, 2017; Zazo Seco et al., 2015), snail family transcriptional repressor 2 (SNAI2) (Sánchez‐Martín et al., 2002), or SRY‐related HMG‐box 10 (SOX10) (Bondurand et al., 2007). Here, arguments are provided in favor of the assumption that autosomal epigenetic mosaicism may play a role in the etiopathogenesis of this phenotype.

The clinical features of WS2 show a segmental or otherwise asymmetrical distribution (Figure 1; Ogawa et al., 2017; Zazo Seco et al., 2015). The irides tend to display sectorial areas of hypopigmentation (Barashkov et al., 2019; Choi et al., 2004), and the ocular fundus may also show pigmentary defects suggesting mosaicism (Figure 1; Choi et al., 2004; Jalilian et al., 2017; Müllner‐Eidenböck, Moser, Frisch, & Read, 2001). In WS2, the degree of auditory and oculocutaneous defects is highly variable within affected families (Lalwani et al., 1998). This phenotypic variability has previously been explained by an interaction of MITF with lymphoid enhancer‐binding protein (LEF‐1), a crucial factor in the Wnt‐signaling pathway (Wang et al., 2018). Such modifying influence of LEF‐1, however, cannot explain the mosaic arrangement of anomalies in WS2. Analogous forms of epigenetic mosaicism have been studied in plants (Kobayashi, Goto‐Yamamoto, & Hirochika, 2004; Lei et al., 2015) and animals (Kerns et al., 2007; Morgan, Sutherland, Martin, & Whitelaw, 1999; Oey, Isbel, Hickey, Ebai, & Whitelaw, 2015). Remarkably, the Merle trait of dogs is characterized, in analogy to human WS2, by segmental hypopigmented coat patterns (Murphy, Evans, Tsai, & Clark, 2018), ocular heterochromia with sectorial iris bicolor and sectorially hypopigmented fundus (Schwab et al., 2016), and asymmetrical hearing loss (Strain, Clark, Wahl, Turner, & Murphy, 2009). This canine phenotype has been shown to reflect epigenetic mosaicism due to insertion of the retrotransposon “sine oculis‐binding protein” (SINE) into the Merle allele premelanosome protein (PMEL) (or mouse homolog of silver, SILV) (Murphy et al., 2018). Of note, monoallelic expression has already been proposed in other human autosomal dominant disorders, showing an asymmetric arrangement of lesions (Gui & Slone, 2017).

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Waardenburg syndrome type 2 in a 10‐year‐old Korean boy. Top: His right iris is completely hypopigmented, whereas the left iris shows a sectorial area of normal pigmentation. Bottom: Fundus of both eyes displays focal hypopigmented lesions (Choi, Moon, Lee, Lew, & Chang, 2004). (Reproduced with license under Creative Commons Attribution) [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

In a recent report, a 6‐month‐old boy with homozygosity for a MITF null variant showed a severe nonsegmental oculocutaneous involvement and complete bilateral deafness, whereas his heterozygous family members displayed the classical mosaic features of WS2 (Rauschendorf et al., 2019)..

In conclusion, after the discovery of MITF, KITLG, SNAI2, and SOX10 variants, the exploration of the molecular basis of WS2 has apparently not come to an end. As a next step, the search for an epigenetic variant controlling these gene loci should be envisaged. Presumably, the genotype–phenotype correlation of WS2 will not be fully understood until such epivariants are detected. Moreover, future research may show whether other types of Waardenburg syndrome may also reflect epigenetic mosaicism.


Waardenburg 综合征 2 型能否用表观遗传嵌合体解释?


Waardenburg 综合征 2 型 (WS2) 是一种显性遗传表型,其特征在于皮肤、头发和虹膜的分段排列的脱色区域以及感音神经性听力损失 (Liu, Newton, & Read, 1995 ; Read & Newton, 1997 )。该性状通常是由黑素细胞诱导转录因子 ( MITF ) 基因的变异引起的(Barashkov 等人,2019 年;Haddad 等人,2011 年;Tassabehji、Newton 和 Read,1994 年),很少由酪氨酸激酶的变异引起受体配体 ( KITLG )(Ogawa、Kono 和 Akiyama,2017 年;Zazo Seco 等人,2015 年),蜗牛家族转录抑制因子 2(SNAI2) (Sánchez-Martín et al., 2002 ),或 SRY 相关的 HMG-box 10 ( SOX10 ) (Bondurand et al., 2007 )。在这里,提供了支持常染色体表观遗传嵌合可能在该表型的发病机制中起作用的假设的论据。

WS2 的临床特征显示出节段性或其他不对称分布(图 1;Ogawa 等人,2017 年;Zazo Seco 等人,2015 年)。虹膜往往显示出色素减退的扇形区域(Barashkov 等人,2019 年;Choi 等人,2004 年),眼底也可能显示出提示镶嵌现象的色素缺陷(图 1;Choi 等人,2004 年;Jalilian 等人) ., 2017 年;Müllner-Eidenböck、Moser、Frisch 和 Read,2001 年)。在 WS2 中,听觉和眼皮肤缺陷的程度在受影响的家庭中变化很大(Lalwani 等,1998)。这种表型变异先前已通过 MITF 与淋巴增强子结合蛋白(LEF-1)的相互作用来解释,LEF-1 是 Wnt 信号通路中的一个关键因素(Wang 等人,2018 年)。然而,LEF-1 的这种修改影响无法解释 WS2 中异常的镶嵌排列。已经在植物(Kobayashi、Goto-Yamamoto 和 Hirochika,2004 年;Lei 等人,2015 年)和动物(Kerns 等人,2007 年;Morgan、Sutherland、Martin 和 Whitelaw,1999 年; Oey、Isbel、Hickey、Ebai 和 Whitelaw,2015 年)。值得注意的是,梅尔狗的性状与人类 WS2 相似,其特征在于节段性色素减退的皮毛模式(墨菲、埃文斯、蔡和克拉克,2018 年)、眼部异色症与扇形虹膜双色和扇形眼底色素减退(施瓦布等人,2016 年),以及不对称听力损失(Strain、Clark、Wahl、Turner 和 Murphy,2009 年)。由于将反转录转座子“正弦结合蛋白”(SINE)插入到Merle等位基因前黑素体蛋白(PMEL)(或银的小鼠同源物,SILV)中,这种犬表型已被证明反映了表观遗传嵌合现象(Murphy 等人,2018年)。值得注意的是,单等位基因表达已经在其他人类常染色体显性遗传疾病中被提出,显示出病变的不对称排列(Gui & Slone,2017)。

一名 10 岁韩国男孩的 Waardenburg 综合征 2 型。上:他的右侧虹膜完全色素减退,而左侧虹膜显示正常色素沉着的扇形区域。底部:双眼眼底显示局灶性色素减退病变(Choi、Moon、Lee、Lew 和 Chang,2004 年)。(根据知识共享署名许可转载)[彩色图可以在 wileyonlinelibrary.com 上查看]

在最近的一份报告中,一个MITF无效变异纯合子的 6 个月大男孩表现出严重的非节段性眼皮受累和双侧完全耳聋,而他的杂合子家庭成员表现出 WS2 的经典镶嵌特征(Rauschendorf 等,2019) ..

综上所述,在MITFKITLG、SNAI2SOX10变体的发现之后,对 WS2 分子基础的探索显然还没有结束。作为下一步,应该考虑寻找控制这些基因位点的表观遗传变异。据推测,在检测到此类表观变异之前,不会完全了解 WS2 的基因型-表型相关性。此外,未来的研究可能会显示其他类型的 Waardenburg 综合征是否也可能反映表观遗传嵌合。
