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Numerical study on the behavior of utility tunnel subjected to ground surface explosion
Thin-Walled Structures ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tws.2020.107422
Haimin Qian , Zhouhong Zong , Chengqing Wu , Jun Li , Lu Gan

Over the past few decades, underground utility tunnels have become increasingly popular in many countries, especially in North America and China. Utility tunnels host multiple services’ infrastructures inside an accessible underground space that allows regular inspection, maintenance, and easy replacement. Previous studies on the safety of underground utility tunnels were mainly focused on the seismic performances, their dynamic behaviors under accidental/hostile blast loads were seldomly investigated. TM 5-855-1 is frequently employed to calculate the ground shock load and responses of buried structures. However, it is only applicable for the cases with a scaled distance larger than 0.4 m/kg1/3. The present study performs a comprehensive numerical investigation on the blast performance of utility tunnel subjected to ground surface explosion with small scaled distance. With validated material and structural models, a FEM model based on a utility tunnel project is established. The influence of charge weight on blast resistance of the utility tunnel is studied numerically. The effect of the reinforcement ratio, shear reinforcement arrangement, buried depth and wall thickness are investigated under the scenario of a sedan car bomb overhead explosion. It is found that over 200 kg TNT ground surface explosion will cause a great threat to the utility tunnel with 2 m burial depth (scaled distance smaller than 0.4 m/kg1/3). The shear reinforcement arrangement is of great importance to the blast resistance of the utility tunnel. The failure mode of the roof can be changed from combined shear and flexural failure to flexural failure, with an increased reinforcement ratio. Increased wall thickness and buried depth can improve the blast resistance of the utility tunnel as expected. Safety buried depth, and wall thickness for a sedan car bomb overhead explosion are discussed in the present study.
