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Trust as a factor in building cognitive social capital among library workers and users. Implications for library managers
The Journal of Academic Librarianship ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102300
Maja Wojciechowska

Abstract The classical theories of social capital identify its two dimensions: structural capital and cognitive capital. The structural dimension is associated with networks and connections within groups, while the cognitive dimension concerns trust and social norms that affect the building of communication and community. The paper discusses the concept of “trust”, which is believed to be a necessary condition to develop social capital and crucial in building relationships among library employees as well as contacts with the external environment, in particular the local communities visiting the library. Trust strengthens relationships with the neighbourhood, facilitates cooperation with partners and colleagues, reduces fear and conflicts, and may also stimulate development. Accordingly, this factor should be taken into consideration by library managers in their managerial decisions. In order to analyse trust among library workers, a study was conducted in 20 countries of the world. The analysis presented in the paper determined both the level of trust among the professional group of librarians and its correlation with other factors (independent variables, such as age, type of library, position, etc.) and dependent variables. It was established that librarians have a high level of trust in other people and that respondents declaring to trust others also have a higher level of individual social capital and a larger social network, are more willing to engage in charity and civic activities, and family and friends are important to them. It seems that such pro-social attitudes may be particularly desirable on specific positions within the library structure: those involving direct contact with patrons and managerial positions.



摘要 社会资本的经典理论确定了它的两个维度:结构资本和认知资本。结构维度与群体内的网络和联系相关,而认知维度涉及影响沟通和社区建设的信任和社会规范。本文讨论了“信任”的概念,它被认为是发展社会资本的必要条件,对于建立图书馆员工之间的关系以及与外部环境,特别是访问图书馆的当地社区的联系至关重要。信任可以加强与邻里的关系,促进与伙伴和同事的合作,减少恐惧和冲突,还可以促进发展。因此,图书馆管理者在其管理决策中应考虑到这一因素。为了分析图书馆工作人员之间的信任,在世界 20 个国家进行了一项研究。论文中提出的分析确定了专业图书馆员之间的信任水平及其与其他因素(自变量,如年龄、图书馆类型、职位等)和因变量的相关性。研究表明,图书馆员对他人的信任度较高,并且表示信任他人的受访者也拥有较高的个人社会资本和较大的社交网络,更愿意从事慈善和公民活动,以及家庭和朋友对他们很重要。