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Examining m-coupon redemption intention among consumers: A moderated moderated-mediation and conditional model
International Journal of Information Management ( IF 20.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2020.102288
Preeti Nayal , Neeraj Pandey , Justin Paul

The low redemption rate of coupons presents a challenge for marketers and scholars. While numerous studies have endorsed the potential of mobile (m)-coupons, not much is known about the consumer’s intention to redeem such coupons. This study uses Value-based Adoption Model (VAM) to explain the redemption intention of m-coupons among coupon redeemers. Apart from studying coupon proneness and perceived convenience, this study empirically examined perceived privacy risk (PPR) (first moderator) and repeat usage behavior (second moderator) for m-coupon redemption intention. One of the key findings from 637 m-coupon users suggest that high repeat usage behavior of m-coupon redemption diminishes the influence of PPR. This suggest that marketers should offer a seamless end to end customer journey to increase m-coupon redemption. The other managerial implications have also been highlighted in the study.



