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Determinants of airport retail revenue: a review of literature
Transport Reviews ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-13 , DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2020.1738586
Yimeng Chen 1 , Cheng-Lung Wu 1 , Tay T.R. Koo 1 , Ian Douglas 1


As the airport retail industry continues to grow due to increasing travel demands, airport operators are increasingly developing their retail revenue potential to ensure financial viability. This study aims to provide a review of airport retail literature and identify the salient factors associated with passenger shopping behaviour. The paper presents a review of contemporary airport retail literature, covering a total of 50 studies from 1998 to 2018. The review identified 26 factors, which could broadly be grouped into five categories: airport/operator related; passengers' demographic related; passengers’ travel related; passengers’ psychological related and passengers’ resources related. In addition to providing a summary of the statistically significant factors across studies, the review identifies and discusses potential approaches for future research. These include the importance of considering both “to spend or not” decision and how much to spend and how most empirical studies focussed on the former; the gap in empirical analysis on the impact of airport terminal design layout on retail performance; and the gap in application of general consumer shopping behavioural models to airport retail problems. The paper concludes with the suggestion that we can build on the existing studies to develop a hybrid approach to solve several of the identified gaps simultaneously.




