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From commitment to compliance: ASEAN's human rights regression?
The Pacific Review ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-30 , DOI: 10.1080/09512748.2018.1476402
Alan Collins 1


Whether it is the persecution of the Rohingya, the disappearance of human rights activists, the general limiting of freedom of speech across the region, or the resumption of the arbitrary use of the death penalty, Southeast Asia can be said to be facing a human rights crisis. This human rights crisis is though occurring at a time when the region’s institution, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), has never been so interested in human rights. After a lengthy period of time in which ASEAN either ignored, or paid lip service to human rights, the Association has created a human rights body – the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) – and adopted an ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD). In this article, I utilize the Spiral Model to explain how, when ASEAN member states are regressing in their commitment to human rights, an intergovernmental body continues to promote their commitment and lay the groundwork for their compliance.




无论是对罗兴亚人的迫害,人权活动家的失踪,整个地区言论自由的普遍限制,还是恢复对死刑的任意使用,东南亚都可以说是面临人权。危机。这种人权危机虽然发生在该地区的机构东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)对人权从未如此感兴趣的时期。经过很长一段时间,东盟要么忽视人权,要么口头上为人权服务,该协会成立了一个人权机构-东盟政府间人权委员会(AICHR)–并通过了《东盟人权宣言》(AHRD) 。在本文中,我将利用螺旋模型来说明如何
