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‘Keeping seeds in our hands’: the rise of seed activism
The Journal of Peasant Studies ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-14 , DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2020.1753705
Karine Peschard 1 , Shalini Randeria 1, 2

ABSTRACT Semantic innovations like seed commons, peasant seeds and seed sovereignty are a powerful expression of what may be termed as seed activism. In this opening paper of the JPS Special Forum on Seed Activism, we explore the surge of mobilizations the world over in response to processes of seed enclosures and loss of agrobiodiversity. A historical overview of the evolution of seed activism over the past three decades traces a paradigm shift from farmers’ rights to seed sovereignty. Some of the main threats to peasant seed systems – from seed and intellectual property laws to biopiracy, corporate concentration and new genome editing technologies – are analyzed along with strategies by peasants and other activists to counter these developments. We take stock of what has been achieved so far and of the challenges ahead, and suggest some avenues for future research.



摘要 种子公地、农民种子和种子主权等语义创新是所谓的种子行动主义的有力表达。在 JPS 种子行动主义特别论坛的这篇开幕论文中,我们探讨了世界各地为应对种子圈养过程和农业生物多样性丧失而进行的动员激增。对过去三十年种子行动主义演变的历史概述追溯了从农民权利到种子主权的范式转变。对农民种子系统的一些主要威胁——从种子和知识产权法到生物剽窃、企业集中和新的基因组编辑技术——以及农民和其他活动家应对这些发展的策略进行了分析。我们评估迄今取得的成就和未来的挑战,