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Making the political, and doing politics: unfixed land in an Amoebal Zone in India
The Journal of Peasant Studies ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-18 , DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2020.1764542
Nikita Sud 1

ABSTRACT India’s largest SEZ – an Amoebal Zone – has constantly changed shape, name, and purpose. The material, regulatory, cartographic, and classificatory flexibility of ‘unfixed land’ underlies these contortions. The multiplicity of land also informs political adversariality towards the Zone. Over 2.5 decades, a heterogeneous group of farmers, fishworkers, pastoralists, and local to global NGOs have contested the takeover of lands along registers of access, use, property, environmental sustainability, and more. This multiplicity is somewhat ordered through the coercions, mediations, and compromises of everyday and Party politics. Politics temporarily and imperfectly settles the making, distribution and use of unfixed land.



摘要 印度最大的经济特区——变形虫区——不断改变形状、名称和用途。“非固定土地”的材料、监管、制图和分类灵活性是这些扭曲的基础。土地的多样性也体现了对该地区的政治对抗。在过去的 2.5 年里,一个由农民、渔业工人、牧民和当地到全球的非政府组织组成的异类群体一直在争夺土地的使用权、使用权、财产权、环境可持续性等登记册。这种多样性在某种程度上是通过日常政治和政党政治的强制、调解和妥协来安排的。政治暂时和不完全地解决了非固定土地的制作、分配和使用。