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Reproducing ‘hegemony’ thereafter? The long-term political effects of the Gezi protests in Turkey
Southeast European and Black Sea Studies ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2020.1745417
Hayriye Özen 1

ABSTRACT This study examines an understudied aspect of the Gezi protests: its long-term effects on the hegemonic politics of the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP) government. Building on the insights of Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe, and Stuart Hall on hegemonic struggles and populism, it contends that the Gezi protests forced the AKP to reformulate its hegemonic strategies by deconstructing the relation formed contingently between the AKP and democratization, and thus, exposing both the limits of the neoliberal and Islamic/conservative hegemonic politics of the AKP, and the authoritarian tendencies of this government. The article maintains that the AKP, in response, turned to focus its efforts on becoming not hegemonic, but dominant by adopting a full-blown authoritarian populism, which, rather than entailing the closure of all democratic channels, favours retaining some for mobilizing popular support for its increasing authoritarianism. It is demonstrated that this popular support has been secured by the AKP through the articulation of a discourse that ignites fear and anxiety among the conservative religious and conservative nationalist segments, by portraying all opposition as detrimental to their interests and lifestyles. The article concludes that counter-hegemonic movements like Gezi may lead to significant political changes in the long run, even if they are repressed.



摘要这项研究考察了“盖兹”抗议活动的一个未被充分研究的方面:它对正义与发展党(AKD)政府的霸权政治的长期影响。它基于埃内斯托·拉克劳(Ernesto Laclau),尚塔尔·穆菲(Chantal Mouffe)和斯图尔特·霍尔(Stuart Hall)对霸权主义斗争和民粹主义的见解,认为格孜抗议活动通过解构AKP和民主化之间偶然形成的关系,迫使AKP重新制定其霸权战略,从而揭露了AKP的新自由主义和伊斯兰/保守霸权政治的局限性,以及该政府的专制倾向。文章认为,作为回应,AKP通过采用成熟的专制民粹主义,转向将重点放在成为霸权而非霸权上,与其要求关闭所有民主渠道,不如保留一些动员民众支持其日益增长的威权主义的主张。事实证明,AKP通过将所有反对派描绘成对他们的利益和生活方式有害的话语,激起了保守的宗教和保守民族主义者的恐惧和焦虑,从而获得了民众的支持。文章得出的结论是,从长期来看,像葛孜这样的反霸权运动即使导致镇压也可能导致重大的政治变化。事实证明,AKP通过将所有反对派描绘成对他们的利益和生活方式有害的话语,激起了保守的宗教和保守民族主义者的恐惧和焦虑,从而获得了民众的支持。文章得出的结论是,从长期来看,像葛孜这样的反霸权运动即使导致镇压也可能导致重大的政治变化。事实证明,AKP通过将所有反对派描绘成对他们的利益和生活方式有害的话语,激起了保守的宗教和保守民族主义者的恐惧和焦虑,从而获得了民众的支持。文章得出的结论是,从长期来看,像葛孜这样的反霸权运动即使导致镇压也可能导致重大的政治变化。