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Reading the rubbish dump as a heterotopia in Neill Blomkamp’s district 9
Social Dynamics ( IF 0.483 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-23 , DOI: 10.1080/02533952.2020.1808306
Megan Jones 1

ABSTRACT I read the rubbish dumps of Neill Blomkamp’s 2009 film District 9 in order to think about how peripheral places and communities can reframe the South African city. In the film, dumps are sites of abandonment and transformation. This doubleness exemplifies Michel Foucault’s privileged site, the heterotopia. I focus on two scenes that take up little of the film’s running time but speak to the possibilities of the dump as more than simply a space of immiseration. The scenes unsettle orthodoxies of space that define the postapartheid city and reposition the heterotopic dump at the urban centre rather than the margins.


阅读尼尔·布隆坎普(Neill Blomkamp)第9区的垃圾场,了解其异质性

摘要我读了尼尔·布隆坎普(Neill Blomkamp)2009年的电影第9区的垃圾堆,以考虑周边地区和社区如何重塑南非城市。在电影中,垃圾场是废弃和改造的场所。这种双重性体现了米歇尔·福柯的特权站点异位症。我专注于两个场景,这些场景占用了影片很少的时间,但谈到转储的可能性,而不仅仅是一个沉浸的空间。这些场景使定义后种族隔离城市的空间统统混乱,并将异位垃圾场重新定位在城市中心而不是边缘。