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Place, interest and political agency: some questions for Michael Neocosmos
Social Dynamics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-18 , DOI: 10.1080/02533952.2019.1690755
Mahmood Mamdani 1, 2


Michael Neocosmos has written Thinking Freedom in Africa (2016) to understand “political agency.” He outlines three imperatives as necessary for a fuller understanding of political agency. The first is to move away from political economy: trapped in a politics of interest, Neocosmos claims that “Marxist politics have remained, along with liberal politics, overwhelmingly statist in their practice.” He urges Africans to shed both Marxist and liberal clothes and become “part of universal humanity rather than of the animal world of interests.” The second is to think out of context, meaning out of place and outside of culture. Finally, he advises that Africans think subjectivity outside of identity politics, whether class, national or any other identity. The challenge, he says, is for people to think “beyond their objective social position and interests – beyond identity – simply because they are capable of reason.” According to Neocosmos, reason is the only way out of the identity trap: “People are able to think beyond their objective social position and interests – beyond identity – simply because they are capable of reason.” This is Reason with a capital R, enlightenment Reason, Reason which opposes an acknowledgement of “difference” to an embrace of “universal humanity.” This paper argues that Neocosmos’ appeal to universal reason aims to reverse key gains of the past few decades – mainly, the acknowledgement of social difference. Whether intentionally or not, it seeks to recolonize reason outside Europe.


位置,兴趣和政治代理:Michael Neocosmos的一些问题


迈克尔·尼奥科莫斯莫斯(Michael Neocosmos)撰写了《非洲思想自由》(2016年),以了解“政治代理人”。他概述了三个必要条件,以便更全面地了解政治机构。首先是摆脱政治经济学:新科斯莫斯陷入了一种感兴趣的政治之中,声称“马克思主义政治以及自由主义政治在实践中仍然以压倒多数的国家主义者为代表。” 他敦促非洲人脱下马克思主义和自由主义的服装,成为“普遍人类的一部分,而不是利益动物世界的一部分。” 第二种是脱离上下文思考,意味着脱离文化和文化之外。最后,他建议非洲人在阶级,民族或任何其他身份认同政治之外考虑主观性。他说,挑战是,让人们思考“超出他们客观的社会地位和利益-超越身份-仅仅是因为他们有理智的能力”。根据Neocosmos的说法,理性是摆脱身份陷阱的唯一途径:“人们之所以能够思考超出他们客观的社会地位和利益(超越身份)是因为他们有理性的能力。” 这是带有大写R的理性,启蒙理性,反对将“差异”承认为“普世性”的理性。本文认为,Neocosmos对普遍理性的诉求旨在扭转过去几十年的主要成就-主要是对社会差异的认识。无论有意还是无意,它都试图重新殖民欧洲以外的理性。理性是摆脱身份陷阱的唯一途径:“人们之所以能够思考超出他们客观的社会地位和利益-超越身份-仅仅是因为他们有推理能力。” 这是带有大写R的理性,启蒙理性,反对将“差异”承认为“普世性”的理性。本文认为,Neocosmos对普遍理性的诉求旨在扭转过去几十年的主要成就-主要是对社会差异的认识。无论有意还是无意,它都试图重新殖民欧洲以外的理性。理性是摆脱身份陷阱的唯一途径:“人们之所以能够思考超出他们客观的社会地位和利益-超越身份-仅仅是因为他们有推理能力。” 这是带有大写R的理性,启蒙理性,反对将“差异”承认为“普世性”的理性。本文认为,Neocosmos对普遍理性的诉求旨在扭转过去几十年的主要成就-主要是对社会差异的认识。无论有意还是无意,它都试图重新殖民欧洲以外的理性。反对承认“差异”与接受“普遍人类”的理由。本文认为,Neocosmos对普遍理性的诉求旨在扭转过去几十年的主要成就-主要是对社会差异的认识。无论有意还是无意,它都试图重新殖民欧洲以外的理性。反对承认“差异”与接受“普遍人类”的理由。本文认为,Neocosmos对普遍理性的诉求旨在扭转过去几十年的主要成就-主要是对社会差异的认识。无论有意还是无意,它都试图重新殖民欧洲以外的理性。
