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Undutiful daughter(s): troubling geographies of the gendered nation and belonging in Adichie’s Americanah and Atta’s Everything Good Will Come
Social Dynamics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-26 , DOI: 10.1080/02533952.2020.1813941
Felix Mutunga Ndaka 1

ABSTRACT This paper proffers a reading of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah as a Bildungsroman that represents a moment of a daughter’s “undutifulness” to domesticating national patriarchies and cultures, textual and epistemic genealogies. In this regard, I posit Adichie’s twining of national romances and a heterosexual romantic love that travels and returns as a framework for examining gendered experiencing and relations to the “home.” The article considers the text’s representation of migration and return not simply as moments of re-domestication and formulaic reunification but as incidents that enunciate expanded relationalities to the nation and reconfigure domestic intimacies in a manner that radically unsettles “home.” Americanah is read alongside Sefi Atta’s Everything Good Will Come in an attempt to show how the development of the protagonists’ interpersonal romances goes together with a studied engagement with the national space and communities in ways that inscribe women’s labours of love, care and intellect into the public domain and charts transformative possibilities of being in the world and inhabiting home. Ultimately, Adichie and Atta’s texts demonstrate alertness to celebrations of transnational black femininities, its vulnerabilities and bonds that transcend the limited “ethical” commitments delineated by the horizons of gendered roles and the national home.



摘要本文提供了Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie的Bildungsroman的Americanah的读物,它代表了女儿“不诚实”地驯化国家父权制和文化,文本和认知谱系的时刻。在这方面,我认为阿迪奇将民族浪漫和异性恋浪漫相结合,这种恋爱是旅行和返回的一种框架,用以检验性别体验和与“家”的关系。文章认为,文本的迁徙和返回不仅是重新进入国内和公式化统一的时刻,而且还表现为事件,这些事件表明与国家的关系扩大,并以彻底破坏“家园”的方式重新配置了家庭亲密关系。美国人与塞菲·阿塔(Sefi Atta)的《一切都会好起来》(Everything Good Will Come)一起阅读,目的是展示主角人际恋情的发展,以及与国家空间和社区的深入研究,如何将女性的爱,关怀和智力劳动铭刻在心。公共领域和图表显示了在世界上居住和居住的转变可能性。最终,阿迪奇(Adichie)和阿塔(Atta)的文字显示出对庆祝跨国黑人女性气质的警觉性,脆弱性和纽带,超越了由性别角色和国家住所所描绘的有限的“道德”承诺。关心和理解公共领域,并描绘出在世界上居住和居住的可能性。最终,阿迪奇(Adichie)和阿塔(Atta)的文字显示出对庆祝跨国黑人女性气质的警觉性,脆弱性和纽带,超越了由性别角色和国家住所所描绘的有限的“道德”承诺。关心和理解公共领域,并描绘出在世界上居住和居住的可能性。最终,阿迪奇(Adichie)和阿塔(Atta)的文字显示出对庆祝跨国黑人女性气质的警觉性,脆弱性和纽带,超越了由性别角色和国家住所所描绘的有限的“道德”承诺。