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Gouk stones and other cuckoo place-names: prehistoric cult sites
Scottish Geographical Journal ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14702541.2019.1635265
David Alexander Nance 1

ABSTRACT The common cuckoo was a pre-Christian symbol of male fertility across Eurasia, associated with several European fertility goddesses. Some standing-stones are named after it as cuckoo (coucou is Old-French) or gowk (Anglo-Saxon). Gouk and cuckoo stones can only have been so named from the fifth and eleventh centuries respectively but at least one stone was erected in the third millennium BC. It was not known if the naming was recent or if the stones had been associated with the cuckoo since prehistory and through subsequent language transitions. Previous authors thought some cuckoo place-names were places of seasonal ritual associated with specific natural and cultural features. Traditional toponymic methods cannot test these hypotheses being temporally limited by linguistic and textual constraints. A wider study of all known cuckoo place-names in Britain was undertaken using cartographic and statistical analysis independent of language transitions and textual evidence. Several natural and cultural features were very statistically significantly associated with both cuckoo stones and other cuckoo place-names indicating the association with the bird originated in prehistory. GIS geoprocessing also confirmed that early Roman structures were very significantly associated with cuckoo place-names indicating that they were cult-centres targeted for psychological advantage during the conquest period.



摘要 杜鹃是欧亚大陆男性生育能力的前基督教象征,与几个欧洲生育女神有关。一些立石以它命名为杜鹃(coucou 是古法语)或 gowk(盎格鲁撒克逊)。Gouk 和杜鹃石只能分别从 5 世纪和 11 世纪起如此命名,但至少有一块石头是在公元前三千年竖立起来的。不知道命名是否是最近的,或者这些石头是否从史前时期和随后的语言转换中与杜鹃联系在一起。以前的作者认为,一些杜鹃地名是与特定自然和文化特征相关的季节性仪式场所。传统的地名学方法无法检验这些在时间上受到语言和文本约束的假设。使用独立于语言转换和文本证据的制图和统计分析,对英国所有已知的杜鹃地名进行了更广泛的研究。一些自然和文化特征与杜鹃石和其他杜鹃地名具有非常显着的统计学关联,表明与起源于史前时期的鸟类的关联。GIS 地理处理还证实,早期的罗马建筑与布谷鸟地名非常显着相关,表明它们是征服时期以心理优势为目标的邪教中心。一些自然和文化特征与杜鹃石和其他杜鹃地名具有非常显着的统计学关联,表明与起源于史前时期的鸟类的关联。GIS 地理处理还证实,早期的罗马建筑与布谷鸟地名非常显着相关,表明它们是征服时期以心理优势为目标的邪教中心。一些自然和文化特征与杜鹃石和其他杜鹃地名具有非常显着的统计学关联,表明与起源于史前时期的鸟类的关联。GIS 地理处理还证实,早期的罗马建筑与布谷鸟地名非常显着相关,表明它们是征服时期以心理优势为目标的邪教中心。