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The Good Man Shooting Well: Authoritarian Submission and Aggression in the “Gun-Citizen”
Rhetoric Society Quarterly ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.1080/02773945.2020.1748219
Daniel A. Cryer

ABSTRACT In the two decades since Bruno Latour imagined the “gun-citizen” as an emergent combination of human and object, the number of US civilians carrying firearms daily has increased fivefold. This essay analyzes discourses of “carry culture” and argues that within it good citizenship comprises the twinned acts of submission to the gun and aggression toward othered groups, defining carry culture as fundamentally authoritarian. The essay further argues that carriers’ submission to their weapons is a corrupted form of care, prompting rhetoricians to reconsider what constitutes ethical relations with objects. Viewing guns in these ways reveals carrying, despite gun culture’s preoccupation with “freedom,” as physically and mentally constricting and puts forth the idea that firearms carried in public are dangerous whether or not they are ever fired.



摘要 在布鲁诺·拉图尔(Bruno Latour)将“枪支公民”想象为人与物体的新兴结合体之后的二十年里,每天携带枪支的美国平民数量增加了五倍。本文分析了“携带文化”的话语,并认为在其中,良好的公民身份包括屈服于枪支和侵略其他群体的双重行为,将携带文化定义为从根本上是专制的。这篇文章进一步认为,承运人对其武器的服从是一种腐败的关怀形式,促使修辞学家重新考虑什么构成了与物体的道德关系。以这些方式看待枪支表明,尽管枪支文化关注“自由”,但携带枪支在身心上都受到限制,并提出了在公共场合携带枪支无论是否开火都是危险的观点。