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A Rhetoric of Walking and Reading: Immersion in Environmental Ambient Literature
Rhetoric Society Quarterly ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.1080/02773945.2020.1748216
Lili Pâquet

ABSTRACT Duncan Speakman’s ambient literature, It Must Have Been Dark by Then (2017), is a paperback book that is read in tandem with a smartphone app to create an immersive experience for readers. Readers walk local landscapes and create an individual map via the Global Positioning System, while listening to narratives of climate change from Latvia, Louisiana, and Tunisia. This essay completes a rhetorical critique and econarratologically close reading of Speakman’s book, and refers to rhetorical theories on walking by de Certeau, Mountford, Topinka, and Kalin and Frith. The essay concludes that Speakman’s readers immerse themselves in print, digital narrative, and actual environments, becoming performers and cocreators of individual narratives. The readers’ embodied immersion in the story allows it to transport them into distant environments affected by climate change.



摘要 Duncan Speakman 的环境文学《It must Have Being Dark by Then (2017)》是一本平装书,可与智能手机应用程序一起阅读,为读者创造身临其境的体验。读者漫步当地景观并通过全球定位系统创建个人地图,同时聆听来自拉脱维亚、路易斯安那和突尼斯的气候变化叙述。这篇文章完成了对斯皮克曼的书的修辞批评和生态叙事学的仔细阅读,并参考了德塞托、芒特福德、托平卡、卡林和弗里斯关于步行的修辞理论。这篇文章的结论是,Speakman 的读者沉浸在印刷品、数字叙事和实际环境中,成为个人叙事的表演者和共同创造者。