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“I Forgot I’m Deaf!”: Passing, Kairotic Space, and the Midcentury Cyborg Woman
Rhetoric Society Quarterly ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.1080/02773945.2020.1752129
Krista Kennedy

ABSTRACT Advertisements for hearing aids often tout the “invisible” nature of their product, designed to obscure visible markers of disability. This essay examines mid-century appeals to women hearing-aid wearers, emphasizing the labor of embodied and cognitive passing in kairotic spaces as well as practical rhetorical implications of human/machine integration, both of which continue to apply in contemporary contexts.


“我忘了我是聋子!”:路过、Kairotic 空间和中世纪的机器人女人

摘要 助听器广告经常吹捧其产品的“隐形”性质,旨在掩盖残疾的可见标志。这篇文章探讨了世纪中叶对女性助听器佩戴者的吸引力,强调了在 kairotic 空间中的具身和认知传递的劳动以及人机整合的实际修辞含义,两者都继续适用于当代语境。