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Engendering Progress, Contesting Narratives: Women’s Labor Rhetorics at the 1907 Chicago Industrial Exhibit
Rhetoric Society Quarterly ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-30 , DOI: 10.1080/02773945.2020.1748215
Liane Malinowski

ABSTRACT In 1907, prominent Chicago reformers led by Ellen Henrotin and Jane Addams created an Industrial Exhibit showcasing a history of women in the workplace. Seeking to promote women’s entrance into modern, electricity-powered factories, the Exhibit’s organizers portrayed women’s labor progress in three stages: a stage of premodern, domestic-based craftwork; a stage of tenement-based, sweatshop labor; and a stage of modern, factory-based labor. The Exhibit became a site of controversy when workers demonstrating their labor objected to the Exhibit’s message that tenement sweatshops were old-fashioned and unclean by striking. Their strikes disrupted the Exhibit’s timeline of gendered progress and rearticulated the Exhibit as a site of current labor negotiations between workers, management, and the public. While affluent reformers and working women mutually sought labor reform, they used distinct and unequal rhetorical modes to communicate differing narratives about women’s work to the public.


促进进步,有争议的叙事:1907 年芝加哥工业展览会上的女性劳工修辞

摘要 1907 年,由 Ellen Henrotin 和 Jane Addams 领导的芝加哥著名改革者创建了一个工业展览,展示了女性在工作场所的历史。为了促进女性进入现代化的电力工厂,展览的组织者将女性的劳动进步描绘成三个阶段:前现代的、以家庭为基础的手工艺阶段;以物业为基础的血汗工厂劳动阶段;以及以工厂为基础的现代劳动阶段。当展示他们的劳动的工人反对展览的信息时,展览成为争议的场所,即廉价血汗工厂因罢工而过时且不干净。他们的罢工打乱了展览的性别进步时间表,并将展览重新表述为当前工人、管理层和公众之间进行劳资谈判的场所。