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Resisting a rhetoric of active-passivism: How evangelical women have enacted new modes and meanings of citizenship in response to the election of Donald Trump
Quarterly Journal of Speech ( IF 2.313 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00335630.2020.1785634
Stephanie A. Martin 1

ABSTRACT Among the most oft-cited statistics from the 2016 presidential election is that 81 percent of self-identified evangelicals voted for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. Scholars and pundits maintain this overwhelming support meant born-again Christians overlooked Trump’s well-documented character flaws to elect a leader who would appoint pro-life judges and otherwise agitate against a perceived progressive agenda. This essay challenges understanding evangelicals as electorally transactional and forwards a new rhetorical theory of active-passivism. This theory maintains that evangelicals justified their support for Trump (and the GOP more broadly) through a narrative that emphasizes voting but de-emphasizes what happens once a candidate takes office. Some evangelical women, beginning with the emergence of the Access Hollywood tape, have begun to resist this narrative of obfuscating blame for harmful outcomes. By practicing new modes of republican motherhood that affirm scripture but also approve of women speaking out against injustice in the public sphere, evangelical leaders such as Beth Moore have begun to enact new modes of citizenship with the potential to join with other marginalized voices in the United States to create progressive change.



摘要 2016 年总统大选中最常被引用的统计数据之一是,81% 的自称福音派人士投票支持唐纳德特朗普而不是希拉里克林顿。学者和权威人士认为,这种压倒性的支持意味着重生的基督徒忽略了特朗普有据可查的性格缺陷来选举一位领导人,该领导人将任命支持生命的法官,否则就会鼓动反对被认为是进步议程的人。本文挑战将福音派人士理解为选举交易,并提出了一种新的主​​动-被动主义修辞理论。该理论认为,福音派通过强调投票但不强调候选人上任后会发生什么的叙述来证明他们对特朗普(以及更广泛的共和党)的支持是合理的。一些福音派女性,从 Access Hollywood 磁带的出现开始,已经开始抵制这种混淆有害结果的责任的说法。通过实践确认圣经但也赞成女性在公共领域公开反对不公正的共和主义母亲的新模式,贝丝·摩尔等福音派领袖已经开始制定新的公民身份模式,并有可能与美国其他边缘化的声音一起国家创造渐进变革。