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Sympathy across Eighteenth-Century Worlds: Proximity against Global Vision
Postcolonial Studies ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13688790.2020.1802110
Helga Schwalm 1

ABSTRACT Taking as its starting point eighteenth-century sympathy’s inclination towards local and familiar social relations, this chapter explores how the discourse on sympathy engages with and is transformed by imagining scenes well beyond the domain of proximity. The discursive negotiation of sympathy by Scottish Enlightenment philosophy, by Adam Smith in particular, displays a complex dynamic of relying on proximity and intersubjective presence on the one hand and reaching out by an act of the imagination on the other, thus bringing in a movement of spatial expansion and global vision. Smith’s version of ‘concentric circles’ (Forman-Barzilai) represents a potential global extension of his ethics as well as the limits of sympathy’s affective bonding. Contemporary literary reader-response poetics (Lord Kames) co-opts the Smithian concept of sympathetic imagination for fictional encounters with life beyond the reader’s own sphere: the sympathetic imagination serves to approximate vicarious experience. Rather than bring the world closer to home by such acts of the imagination, however, the popular literary writings on sympathy by Samuel Jackson Pratt are shown to thrive on sympathy’s geographical outward expansion, ultimately reinventing the operations of sympathy in terms of a pre-Enlightenment cosmological harmony with clear overtones of imperialism.



摘要本章以18世纪的同情心开始关注本地和熟悉的社会关系为出发点,探讨关于同情心的论述是如何通过构想远在邻近范围之外的场景来进行互动和转化的。特别是亚当·斯密(Scottish Enlightenment)的苏格兰启蒙哲学对同情的辩论式谈判,一方面表现出一种复杂的动力,一方面依靠亲近性和主体间的存在,另一方面通过想象力的行动来达到这一目的,从而引发了一场运动。空间扩展和全球视野。史密斯(Smith)的“同心圆”(Forman-Barzilai)版本代表了他的道德观念的潜在全球延伸,以及同情之间情感联系的局限性。当代文学的读者回应诗学(卡姆斯勋爵)将史密斯主义的富有同情心想像力的概念用于小说与读者自身生活之外的虚构相遇:同情心的想像力近似于替代的经验。但是,塞缪尔·杰克逊·普拉特(Samuel Jackson Pratt)撰写的有关同情的流行文学著作并没有使想象力的举动使世界更接近家,而是在同情的地理向外扩张中蓬勃发展,最终从启蒙运动之前重新塑造了同情的运作方式。宇宙和谐与帝国主义的明确色彩。