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Seismic City: An Environmental History of San Francisco's 1906 Earthquake
Planning Perspectives ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-29 , DOI: 10.1080/02665433.2020.1753364
Pollyanna Rhee 1

But its most utopian projects were several ‘New Towns,’ planned communities that integrated residential, industrial, and commercial activities. The best known is Roosevelt Island in New York City. Logue’s work at UDC was initially successful. Under his leadership, UDC built 33,000 housing units in 49 towns and cities. By the early 1970s, however, UDC faced two challenges. The national economy was entering the era of ‘stagflation,’ marked by higher interest rates and stagnant growth. This made UDC’s finances, with large amounts of debt on its balance sheet, precarious. And Logue’s efforts to build lowand moderate-income housing in nine Westchester County suburbs ran into heated opposition. Finally, Logue lost his staunchest and most powerful protector when Nelson Rockefeller resigned as governor at the end of 1973. By 1975, UDC had lost the trust of the financial industry and incoming Democratic governor Hugh Carey, who asked for Logue’s resignation and scaled back UDC’s activities. Three years later, New York City mayor Ed Koch tapped Logue to head up the new South Bronx Development Corporation (SBDC). By 1978, the Bronx had developed a horrible national reputation, epitomized by a shocked President Carter touring the area in October 1977 and large fires a few days later near Yankee Stadium, captured on television during the second game of the World Series. At SBDC, a chastened Logue worked on a much smaller scale. He collaborated with community activists in ways he had not before. Between 1978 and his 1984 departure, his biggest achievement was Charlotte Gardens, a 14-acre site on which SBDC built 1,150 square foot ranch homes for purchase by working-class households. Charlotte Gardens succeeded in revitalizing a part of the Bronx and in pioneering prefabricated construction techniques. Logue left a complicated legacy. On the one hand, he promoted racial integration and fought against housing and employment discrimination. While he recognized the need for urban revitalization, he tried to build architecturally pleasing and vibrant communities. On the other hand, Logue was the consummate technocrat. He demanded and received unprecedented autonomy. Despite his best efforts, urban renewal could not reverse systemic and deep economic and demographic trends that shaped the declining fortunes of older cities like New Haven and Utica. Lisabeth Cohen is a skilled researcher and elegant writer. Her book is not only a great biography of a fascinating man, but it is also an excellent history of postwar urban America. This is biography and history at its finest. It is required reading for urbanists of all disciplines.



但是它最乌托邦式的项目是几个“新城镇”,即计划中的社区,将住宅,工业和商业活动结合在一起。最著名的是纽约市的罗斯福岛。Logue在UDC的工作最初是成功的。在他的领导下,UDC在49个城镇建造了33,000套住房。但是,到1970年代初,UDC面临两个挑战。国民经济正进入“滞胀”时代,其特点是利率上升和增长停滞。这使得UDC的财务状况不稳定,资产负债表上有大量债务。劳格(Logue)在威彻斯特郡(Westchester County)的9个郊区建造中低收入住房的努力遭到强烈反对。最终,当纳尔逊·洛克菲勒(Nelson Rockefeller)于1973年底辞去州长职务时,洛格失去了他最坚定,最有力的保护者。到1975年,UDC失去了金融业和即将上任的民主党州长Hugh Carey的信任,后者要求Logue辞职并缩减UDC的活动。三年后,纽约市市长埃德·科赫(Ed Koch)聘请洛格(Logue)领导新的南布朗克斯发展公司(SBDC)。到1978年,布朗克斯已经建立了令人震惊的全国声誉,1977年10月卡特总统震惊地访问该地区,几天后在扬基体育场附近发生了大火,这在世界大赛第二场比赛的电视上被捕捉到了。在SBDC,受惩罚的洛格(Logue)的规模小得多。他以前所未有的方式与社区活动家合作。在1978年至1984年离职之间,他最大的成就是夏洛特花园(Charlotte Gardens),这座14英亩的土地在SBDC的基础上建造了1处 150平方英尺的牧场房屋,供工人阶级家庭购买。夏洛特花园(Charlotte Gardens)成功地振兴了布朗克斯的一部分,并开创了预制的建筑技术。罗格留下了复杂的遗产。一方面,他促进了种族融合,并与住房和就业歧视作斗争。当他意识到振兴城市的必要性时,他试图建立建筑宜人且充满活力的社区。另一方面,洛格是完美的技术专家。他要求并获得前所未有的自治权。尽管他尽了最大的努力,但城市更新无法逆转系统性的,深刻的经济和人口趋势,这种趋势塑造了纽黑文和尤蒂卡等较老城市的衰落命运。Lisabeth Cohen是一位熟练的研究人员和优雅的作家。她的书不仅是一本令人着迷的人的伟大传记,而且还是战后都市美国的辉煌历史。这是最好的传记和历史。所有学科的都市主义者都必须阅读该书。