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Guerra Civil y franquismo: una perspectiva internacional, edited by Raanan Rein and Joan Maria Thomas
Mediterranean Historical Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09518967.2019.1591021
Pamela Radcliff 1

seems to me as attesting to, rather than shattering, the nationalist readings of this towering historical figure. It does injustice, I think, not only to Kawakibi, but also to the goal of the book, which attempts to comprehend how thinkers navigated complex historical circumstances, rather than blaming them anachronistically for aiding the colonizers. The book brings to the English reader many of the academic developments in Middle Eastern Studies in the French-speaking world and relevant scholarly literature on Middle Eastern Studies, which is often ignored in American academia. Indeed, the collection’s chapters on North Africa, and its relation to late Ottoman politics, nationalism, labour and anticolonial resistance, are very compelling. On the other hand, some chapters could have benefited considerably from engaging in conservation with their American colleagues. The inclusion of the works of Eve Troutt Powell or Ehud Toledano in chapters dealing with slavery, or of works by Beth Baron, Marylyn Booth and Liat Kozma in the chapters dealing with gender in Egypt, could have strengthened the arguments. In the context of this book, it might be useful to reflect on Eve Troutt Powell’s observation that “the history of slavery is ugly, sad, and often dirty. Stories of the dignity of particular slaves or the consciences of regretful or grateful owners cannot be told without accompaniment by the stories of humiliation, violence, and sorrow.” The present book sheds light on both dignity and ugliness, on both violence and liberation. I do wish, however, we heard more on the sad and the dirty stories of individuals whose subversive acts were motived by the actions of the elite men and women whose own biographies are depicted in the collection.


Guerra Civil y franquismo: una perspectiva internacional,由 Raanan Rein 和 Joan Maria Thomas 编辑

在我看来,这证明了,而不是粉碎了对这位高耸的历史人物的民族主义解读。我认为,这不仅对 Kawakibi 不公平,而且对本书的目标也不公平,该书试图理解思想家如何驾驭复杂的历史环境,而不是不合时宜地指责他们帮助殖民者。这本书为英语读者带来了许多法语世界中东研究的学术发展和中东研究的相关学术文献,这些在美国学术界经常被忽视。事实上,该系列关于北非的章节,以及它与晚期奥斯曼政治、民族主义、劳工和反殖民抵抗的关系,非常引人注目。另一方面,一些分会本可以从与他们的美国同事一起参与保护中受益匪浅。将夏娃·特劳特·鲍威尔 (Eve Troutt Powell) 或埃胡德·托莱达诺 (Ehud Toledano) 的作品包含在处理奴隶制的章节中,或将贝丝·巴伦 (Beth Baron)、玛丽琳·布斯 (Marylyn Booth) 和利亚特·科兹玛 (Liat Kozma) 的作品包含在处理埃及性别问题的章节中,可能会加强这些论点。在本书的背景下,反思伊芙·特劳特·鲍威尔 (Eve Troutt Powell) 的观察可能会有所帮助,即“奴隶制的历史是丑陋的、悲伤的,而且往往肮脏。如果没有屈辱、暴力和悲伤的故事,就无法讲述特定奴隶的尊严或遗憾或感激的主人的良心。” 这本书揭示了尊严和丑陋,暴力和解放。然而,我确实希望,