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Rabbis on refugees: theological responses to the treatment of converso migrants in sixteenth-century Candia
Mediterranean Historical Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/09518967.2019.1664056
Rebecca Wartell 1

This case study considers rabbinic texts that address the migration of converso refugees to Venetian Crete in the mid-sixteenth century. New papal policies and the onset of the Roman Inquisition on mainland Italy prompted a refugee crisis in Candia that led to tensions between the migrants and local Candiote Jews. Coming primarily from Sephardic origins, these migrants were in search of refuge as well as the opportunity to reclaim their Jewish identities after forced conversion; here we consider three letters contained in Takkanot Kandiyah from rabbinic authorities on how to diffuse the situation and approach the converso issue within a halakhic framework.


难民问题拉比:16 世纪坎迪亚对皈依移民待遇的神学回应

本案例研究考虑了处理 16 世纪中叶转换难民到威尼斯克里特岛的拉比文本。新的教皇政策和罗马宗教裁判所在意大利大陆的开始引发了坎迪亚的难民危机,导致移民与当地坎迪特犹太人之间的紧张关系。这些移民主要来自西班牙裔,在被迫皈依后寻找避难所以及重新获得犹太身份的机会;在这里,我们考虑了来自拉比当局的 Takkanot Kandiyah 中包含的三封信,内容是关于如何在 Halakhic 框架内分散局势和解决 converso 问题。