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Intra-union conflict and the 1970 dock strike in Britain
Labor History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-17 , DOI: 10.1080/0023656x.2019.1656179
Greig Taylor 1

ABSTRACT The docks are one of the most academically scrutinised sectors of the British economy and, due to the industry’s historical reputation for strike-proneness, episodes of workplace conflict are generally popular sources for research. Nevertheless, one dispute remains curiously under-examined – the 1970 national dock strike. This is particularly remarkable since it constituted the first national strike in the industry for nearly half a century, lasted almost three weeks, led to the declaration of a State of Emergency and required a government-sponsored inquiry to reach a resolution. On the surface, it was provoked by disagreement between the national employers’ association and the union over basic weekly wage bargaining. Behind the scenes, however, the course, nature and outcome of the dispute is best understood in the context of the relationship between the membership and officialdom of the union, which was rooted in a history of antagonism, and the revolutionary technological changes taking place in cargo handling at this time. What follows is a detailed account of the 1970 national dock strike and the events surrounding it, considered in the context of the literature relating to hierarchical divisions in trade union organisations. Abbreviations LMC: Local Modernisation Committee NAPE: National Association of Port Employers NASDU: National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers Union NDLB: National Dock Labour Board NDLS: National Dock Labour Scheme NJC: National Joint Council for the Port Transport Industry NPSSC: National Ports Shop Steward Committee TGWU: Transport and General Workers’ Union TUC: Trades Union Congress TUR: Temporary Unattached Register


工会内部冲突和 1970 年英国码头罢工

摘要 码头是英国经济中最受学术审查的部门之一,由于该行业以易罢工而闻名,工作场所冲突事件通常是研究的热门来源。然而,奇怪的是,一项争议仍未得到充分研究——1970 年的全国码头罢工。这尤其引人注目,因为它构成了该行业近半个世纪以来的第一次全国性罢工,持续了近三周,导致宣布进入紧急状态,并需要政府发起的调查才能达成决议。从表面上看,这是由全国雇主协会和工会在基本每周工资谈判上的分歧引起的。然而,在幕后,课程,争端的性质和结果最好在工会成员和官方之间的关系背景下理解,这种关系植根于对抗的历史,以及此时货物处理中发生的革命性技术变革。以下是对 1970 年全国码头罢工及其周围事件的详细说明,并在与工会组织等级划分相关的文献背景下进行考虑。缩写 LMC:地方现代化委员会 NAPE:全国港口雇主协会 NASDU:全国联合装卸工人和码头工人工会 NDLB:全国码头劳工委员会 NDLS:全国码头劳工计划 NJC:全国港口运输业联合委员会 NPSSC:全国港口车间管理委员会TGWU:运输和一般工人工会 TUC: