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Editorial June 2020
Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/24750158.2020.1757573
Mary Anne Kennan 1 , Bhuva Narayan 2 , Fiona Russell 3 , Alison Fields 4

Welcome to the June 2020 issue of the Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (JALIA). We write this editorial in extraordinary times, when libraries and other information agencies are working through how to keep their staff safe AND provide information, entertainment and other services to their communities during a global pandemic. Wonderful work is being done by so many people and organisations to make times of spatial distancing more human and social. Specific to our readership, libraries and museums are offering virtual tours of their collections, virtual story times, enabling access to eand audio-books, and more, including providing help over the telephone for people like myself who hadn’t managed to sort this out prior to the lockdowns. In times to come we look forward to analyses of the development of these decisions and services, but in the meantime we wish health and safety to our readers, authors and reviewers and more widely the prevention of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and its associated disease COVID-19. This issue contains five research, and two research-in-practice papers. Of the research papers, two focussed on public libraries, two on academic libraries and one, on hospital libraries. In our first research paper, Nguyen (2020) explores the influence of ‘humanoid’ or ‘social’ robots in Australian public libraries through the view of librarians and the experience of library clients. This interesting paper provides an evidence-based understanding to support research, planning and implementation of humanoid robot initiatives in Australian public libraries in order to enhance the experience of library user communities. Nguyen’s research was funded by the 2018 ALIA Research Grant Award. Migrating to a new land is not always easy even when preparations have been made to tackle challenges ahead. Khoir and Du (2020) examine instances of uncertainty and confidence faced by Asians and their associated life experiences as they migrated to Australia, acknowledging the important role of public libraries. Gunapala and colleagues (2020) examine how university libraries manage change in Australian public sector university libraries. As libraries experience significant disruption as a result of technological development driving change, this research identified resources, relevance, stakeholders, strategy, government policy, and university infrastructure as contributing elements to effectively manage change and constructs frameworks that may address challenges of change. The fourth paper in the issue also focuses on an academic library, specifically the Baillieu Library of the University of Melbourne which hosts one of the finest old master’s print collections in Australia. Lo Conte (2020) retraces how the print collection was created and highlights the collection’s teaching function and emphasises how its development was supported by an extraordinary synergy between art historians, the library and local philanthropists. The final research paper for this issue by Ritchie and colleagues (2020) explores the contributions made by Australian hospital libraries to assist their organisations JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION ASSOCIATION 2020, VOL. 69, NO. 2, 127–129 https://doi.org/10.1080/24750158.2020.1757573



欢迎阅读2020年6月的《澳大利亚图书馆和信息协会杂志》(JALIA)。我们在不平凡的时候写这篇社论,当时图书馆和其他信息机构正在研究如何保护员工安全,并在全球大流行期间为社区提供信息,娱乐和其他服务。如此众多的人和组织正在做出色的工作,以使空间疏远的时代更加人性化和社会化。特定于我们的读者的图书馆和博物馆将提供其收藏的虚拟游览,虚拟故事时间,访问eand有声读物等,包括为像我这样的人提供电话帮助,而这些人未能设法解决这些问题在锁定之前。在不久的将来,我们希望对这些决策和服务的发展进行分析,但与此同时,我们希望读者,作者和审阅者的健康和安全,并希望更广泛地预防SARS-CoV-2的传播及其传播。相关疾病COVID-19。本期包含五篇研究论文和两篇实践研究论文。在这些研究论文中,有两个针对公共图书馆,两个针对学术图书馆,另一个针对医院图书馆。在我们的第一篇研究论文中,Nguyen(2020)通过图书馆员的观点和图书馆客户的经验,探讨了“类人”或“社交”机器人在澳大利亚公共图书馆中的影响。这篇有趣的论文提供了基于证据的理解以支持研究,在澳大利亚公共图书馆规划和实施人形机器人计划,以增强图书馆用户社区的体验。Nguyen的研究由2018年ALIA研究补助金奖资助。即使已经做好应对未来挑战的准备,但迁移到新土地并不总是那么容易。Khoir和Du(2020)研究了亚洲人移民到澳大利亚时所面临的不确定性和信心的实例以及他们相关的生活经历,并认识到公共图书馆的重要作用。Gunapala及其同事(2020年)研究了大学图书馆如何管理澳大利亚公共部门大学图书馆的变化。由于图书馆因技术发展推动变革而遭受重大破坏,因此本研究确定了资源,相关性,利益相关者,战略,政府政策,大学基础设施作为有效管理变革的要素,并构建可应对变革挑战的框架。本期的第四篇论文还着重于一个学术图书馆,特别是墨尔本大学的Baillieu图书馆,该图书馆收藏着澳大利亚最好的老大师的印刷品之一。卢孔戴(Lo Conte,2020)追溯了版画收藏的创建方式,并强调了版画的教学功能,并强调了艺术史学家,图书馆和当地慈善家之间非凡的协同作用如何支持版画的发展。Ritchie及其同事(2020年)针对此问题的最终研究论文探讨了澳大利亚医院图书馆为协助其组织所做的贡献。《 2020年澳大利亚图书馆与信息协会杂志》,第二卷。69号 2,