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Journal of Social Work Practice ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02650533.2020.1798098
Andrew Whittaker 1 , Gloria Kirwan 2

We write this editorial with mixed feelings. We are pleased to see this issue published and very grateful to all our contributors – but we wish to acknowledge that this issue is being produced in the most unusual context. As we are all now aware, the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on 11 March 2020. While the virus had already caused much pain, suffering and loss before that date, it was the announcement by the World Health Organization which instantly transformed the virus from a local, situated concern to the problem of everyone across the world. Since that day, a lot has changed regarding our individual and shared experiences of safety and wellbeing. As Jakovljevic (2020) outlines, the consequences of this pandemic are complex in many ways, including its effects on economic, social, political and health systems. We are still learning about this virus and about our ability to respond to it and co-exist with it. It is clear we need collective solidarity more than ever if we are to find a solution to this crisis, but it is not always easy to reach consensus on strategies and approaches. In tandem with the pandemic, other issues have also spurred large-scale collective responses. The swift and strong reaction to the death of George Floyd in the USA has sparked a global anti-racism movement; a movement fuelled by an unstoppable momentum to address racially based prejudice and discrimination once and for all. The global climate crisis also continues to cause widespread concern and, similar to the other pressing issues of the current period, it is pushing our human species to reassess and re-calibrate our relationships with nature and with each other. While these various issues represent enormous challenges, they also present opportunities for reform and renewal regarding how we live on this planet and share it with each other. It is important to stay attuned to the real problems facing our world but also to stay open to solutions and to the belief that the interplay of problems and solutions can produce positive resolutions. In the contributions to this issue, a number of articles deal with this interplay of problems and solutions, from a range of perspectives and in a range of contexts. The complex dynamics of managing issues of racism and white privilege within therapeutic relationships is the focus of the first article by Stuart Stevenson. Using the example of therapeutic work with a vulnerable white mother who was traumatised by witnessing a racist attack, Stevenson explores her retreat into a racist solution that blamed the victim of the attack and identified with the aggressors. He uses the concept of ‘White Fragility’ to explain the use of defences when white privilege is experienced as under threat. He also explores his own countertransference and the demands of working with racist dynamics faced by clinicians of colour, who are likely to have experienced racist trauma in their own lives. He concludes that there is a need for a great JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE 2020, VOL. 34, NO. 3, 221–223 https://doi.org/10.1080/02650533.2020.1798098



我们写这篇社论时心有余。我们很高兴看到此问题已发布,并非常感谢我们所有的贡献者,但我们希望承认,此问题是在最不寻常的情况下产生的。众所周知,新型冠状病毒COVID-19的传播已于2020年3月11日被世界卫生组织宣布为大流行病。尽管该病毒在该日期之前已经造成了许多痛苦,痛苦和损失,但世界卫生组织发布的公告立即将这种病毒从一个本地的,已引起关注的地方转化为世界各地每个人的问题。从那天开始,关于我们个人和共享的安全与福祉经历发生了很多变化。正如Jakovljevic(2020)概述的那样,这种大流行的后果在许多方面都很复杂,包括其对经济,社会,政治和卫生系统。我们仍在学习这种病毒以及我们对其的反应能力和与之共存的能力。显然,要找到解决这一危机的办法,我们比以往任何时候都更需要集体团结,但是在战略和方法上达成共识并不总是那么容易。与大流行一起,其他问题也刺激了大规模的集体对策。对美国乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)逝世的迅速而强烈的反应引发了全球反种族主义运动。这场运动势不可挡,一劳永逸地解决了基于种族的偏见和歧视。全球气候危机也继续引起广泛关注,与当前时期的其他紧迫问题类似,它正在推动我们的人类物种重新评估和重新调整我们与自然以及彼此之间的关系。这些问题虽然代表着巨大的挑战,但它们也为我们在这个星球上的生活和彼此共享提供了改革和更新的机会。重要的是要与我们世界面临的实际问题保持协调,也要对解决方案保持开放,并相信问题与解决方案之间的相互作用可以产生积极的解决方案。在对此问题的贡献中,许多文章从多种角度和多种背景下探讨了问题和解决方案之间的相互作用。斯图尔特·史蒂文森(Stuart Stevenson)第一篇文章的重点是在治疗关系中管理种族主义和白人特权问题的复杂动力。史蒂文森以对一名脆弱的白人母亲的治疗工作为例,她因目睹了种族主义袭击而受到创伤,史蒂文森将自己的退缩探索成种族主义解决方案,该解决方案归咎于袭击的受害者并与侵略者相识。当白人特权受到威胁时,他使用“白人脆弱性”概念来解释防御措施的使用。他还探讨了自己的反移情,以及有色人种临床医生所面对的种族主义动态的需求,他们可能在自己的生活中遭受过种族主义的创伤。他的结论是,有必要制定一份出色的《 2020年社会工作实践期刊》,VOL。34号 3,221–223 https://doi.org/10.1080/02650533.2020.1798098 史蒂文森(Stevenson)将她的退缩探索成种族主义解决方案,该解决方案归咎于袭击的受害者并确定了侵略者。当白人特权受到威胁时,他使用“白人脆弱性”概念来解释防御措施的使用。他还探讨了自己的反移情,以及有色人种临床医生所面对的种族主义动态的需求,他们可能在自己的生活中遭受过种族主义的创伤。他的结论是,有必要制定一份出色的《 2020年社会工作实践期刊》,VOL。34号 3,221–223 https://doi.org/10.1080/02650533.2020.1798098 史蒂文森(Stevenson)将她的退缩探索成种族主义解决方案,该解决方案归咎于袭击的受害者并确定了侵略者。当白人特权受到威胁时,他使用“白人脆弱性”概念来解释防御措施的使用。他还探讨了自己的反移情,以及有色人种临床医生所面对的种族主义动态的需求,他们可能在自己的生活中遭受过种族主义的创伤。他的结论是,有必要制定一份出色的《 2020年社会工作实践期刊》,VOL。34号 3,221–223 https://doi.org/10.1080/02650533.2020.1798098 他还探讨了自己的反移情,以及有色人种临床医生所面对的种族主义动态的需求,他们可能在自己的生活中遭受过种族主义的创伤。他的结论是,有必要制定一份出色的《 2020年社会工作实践期刊》,VOL。34号 3,221–223 https://doi.org/10.1080/02650533.2020.1798098 他还探讨了自己的反移情,以及有色人种临床医生所面对的种族主义动态的需求,他们可能在自己的生活中遭受过种族主义的创伤。他的结论是,有必要制定一份出色的《 2020年社会工作实践期刊》,VOL。34号 3,221–223 https://doi.org/10.1080/02650533.2020.1798098