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Southern Italian prisoners on the stage of international politics
Journal of Modern Italian Studies ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-14 , DOI: 10.1080/1354571x.2020.1723304
Steven C. Soper 1

ABSTRACT In 1851, William Gladstone turned the suffering of Neapolitan political prisoners into a cause célèbre. His Two Letters to the Earl of Aberdeen on the State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan Government galvanized European and American public opinion, and set in motion a process of diplomatic negotiation that culminated in the removal of sixty-six men from prison in January 1859. Subject to deportation, the men took control of the ship taking them to the U.S.A. and directed it to Great Britain, where they enjoyed a hero’s welcome. During the eight years that separated the publication of Gladstone’s protest from the prisoners’ escape, leading British politicians, diplomats, and journalists worked to keep the plight of the Neapolitan prisoners in the public eye; however, the prisoners themselves, with the help of close friends and family, made an essential contribution to this effort.



摘要1851年,威廉·格拉德斯通(William Gladstone)将那不勒斯政治犯的苦难变成了死因。他写给阿伯丁伯爵的那不勒斯政府国家起诉书的两封信激起了欧洲和美国的舆论,并推动了外交谈判的进程,最终于1859年1月将六十六名男子从监狱中驱逐出境。在被驱逐出境后,这些人控制了这艘船,将他们带到美国,并把它带到了英国,受到了英雄的欢迎。在格拉德斯通抗议活动的发表与囚犯的逃亡相隔的八年中,英国主要政治人物,外交官和新闻工作者努力使那不勒斯囚犯的困境在公众眼中;但是,囚犯本身在亲密朋友和家人的帮助下,