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The Ethics of Whistleblowing
Journal of Media Ethics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/23736992.2020.1702671
Kati Tusinski Berg 1

In 2015, Candice Delmas published a piece titled, “The Ethics of Government Whistleblowing” in Social Theory and Practice. She wrote, “If the twentieth century was the age of civil disobedience, the twenty-first century is shaping up to be the age of whistleblowing. Whistleblowers have dominated the news and social media in the past year” (p. 77). Fast forward four years to 2019 and it is safe to say her prediction was correct. Whistleblowing continues to dominate the news and social media with the most recent case involving a whistleblower who has alleged that President Donald Trump solicited a foreign country to help intervene in the 2020 election and that the White House has sought to cover it up. According to Judy Nadler and Miriam Schulman of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, whistleblowing means calling attention to wrongdoing that is occurring within an organization. The Government Accountability Project lists four ways to blow the whistle:



2015年,坎蒂丝·德尔马斯(Candice Delmas)在社会理论与实践中发表了题为“政府举报的道德规范”的文章。她写道:“如果二十世纪是公民不服从的时代,那么二十一世纪将成为举报的时代。在过去的一年中,举报人主导了新闻和社交媒体”(第77页)。快进四年到2019年,可以肯定地说她的预测是正确的。举报继续在新闻和社交媒体中占主导地位,最近的一个举报人案件涉及举报人,后者指控唐纳德·特朗普总统请外国协助干预2020年大选,白宫试图掩盖这一情况。圣塔克拉拉大学Markkula应用伦理学中心的Judy Nadler和Miriam Schulman认为,举报是指提醒组织内发生的不当行为。政府责任项目列出了四种吹响口哨的方法: