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The relaxation of galaxy clusters at redshift z = 0 in IllustrisTNG simulation
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1088/1674-4527/20/12/198
Chao Li 1, 2 , Ling Zhu 3 , Rui Guo 1, 2

We study the dynamical states of the 30 most massive galaxy clusters in the TNG100 simulation at redshift z = 0 using three types of tracers: stars, dark matter particles and satellite galaxies. If the massive galaxy cluster is spherically symmetric and relaxed, we can obtain the underlying total mass distribution accurately from its dynamical tracers using the spherical Jeans equations. Although the three tracers of clusters have very different number densities, velocity dispersions and anisotropies, they still trace the same total mass profile. We obtain the total mass profiles of clusters using these tracers separately and compare them with the true mass distributions. We find that: (1) the kinematics of dark matter trace the total mass of all clusters well and the mass inferred from dark matter are generally consistent with the true mass profiles with relative deviations smaller than ∼ 25% at all radii; (2) stars in ∼ 60% massive clusters are approaching equilibrium and the total mass of these clusters inferred from stars have relative deviations smaller than ∼ 50% at all radii. Stellar substructures are rich and the mass inferred from stars tend to be over-estimated in the inner region; and (3) satellite galaxies are unrelaxed in the inner region and become more relaxed as the radius increases. The total mass inferred from satellites are under-estimated in all regions.


IllustrisTNG 模拟中红移 z = 0 处星系团的松弛

我们在红移z的 TNG100 模拟中研究了 30 个最大星系团的动力学状态= 0 使用三种类型的示踪剂:恒星、暗物质粒子和卫星星系。如果大质量星系团是球对称且松弛的,我们可以使用球面 Jeans 方程从其动态示踪剂中准确地获得潜在的总质量分布。尽管三个星团示踪剂具有非常不同的数量密度、速度分散和各向异性,但它们仍然跟踪相同的总质量分布。我们分别使用这些示踪剂获得簇的总质量分布,并将它们与真实的质量分布进行比较。我们发现:(1)暗物质的运动学很好地跟踪了所有星团的总质量,从暗物质推断出的质量与真实的质量剖面基本一致,在所有半径上的相对偏差小于~25%;(2) 约 60% 的大质量星团中的恒星正在接近平衡,从恒星推断出的这些星团的总质量在所有半径上的相对偏差都小于约 50%。恒星子结构丰富,从恒星推断的质量在内部区域往往被高估;(3) 卫星星系在内部区域是不松弛的,随着半径的增加变得更加松弛。从卫星推断的总质量在所有地区都被低估了。
