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Untangling the Indonesian tangle net fishery: describing a data-poor fishery targeting large threatened rays (Order Batoidea)
bioRxiv - Zoology Pub Date : 2021-01-11 , DOI: 10.1101/608935
Brooke M. D’Alberto , William T. White , Andrew Chin , Dharmadi , Colin A. Simpfendorfer

Shark-like rays (Order Rhinopristiformes) are among the most threatened families of marine fish. Yet little is known about their populations, as these rays are normally taken as opportunistic catch in fisheries targeting other species and are thus poorly reported. One exception is the Indonesian tangle net fishery, which targets shark-like rays. Market surveys of Muara Angke landing site in Jakarta, north-western Java (including one frozen shipment from Benoa Harbour, Bali), were conducted between 2001 and 2005, and recorded landed catch for this fishery. Recent catch data from Indonesian Capture Fisheries (2017 − 2018) were also examined to provide contemporary information about landed catch. 1,559 elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) were recorded, comprised of 24 species of rays and nine species of sharks. The most abundant species landed were the pink whipray Pateobatis fai and the bottlenose wedgefish Rhynchobatus australiae, the latter being the main target species. Catch composition varied based on differences in species catchability and may also be indicative of localized declines. The fishery was highly selective for larger sized individuals, however smaller size classes of target species were also caught in other Indonesian fisheries resulting in fishing pressure across all age classes. Evidence of substantial declines in global landings of wedgefish species, and the observed shift in catch composition in the Indonesian tangle net fishery, increases concerns about the status of shark-like rays and stingrays in Indonesia.


解开印度尼西亚的缠结网渔业:描述针对大型威胁射线的数据贫乏的渔业(巴蒂奥地亚(Order Batoidea))

鲨鱼般的射线(犀原目)是海洋鱼类中受威胁最大的鱼类之一。但是对它们的种群知之甚少,因为这些射线通常被视为针对其他物种的渔业中的机会性捕获物,因此报道不多。印尼的缠结网渔业是一个例外,它的目标是类似鲨鱼的射线。在2001年至2005年之间,对爪哇岛西北部雅加达的Muara Angke登陆点进行了市场调查(包括从巴厘岛Benoa Harbour冷冻的一船),并记录了该渔业的登陆量。还检查了印度尼西亚捕捞渔业的最新捕捞数据(2017年至2018年),以提供有关登陆渔获的当代信息。记录了1,559条弹性分支(鲨鱼和rays鱼),包括24种射线和9种鲨鱼。Pateobatis fai和宽吻楔形鱼类澳大利亚Rhynchobatus,后者是主要的目标物种。捕捞组成因物种可捕性的差异而有所不同,也可能表明局部下降。渔业对大型个体具有高度选择性,但是在其他印度尼西亚渔业中也捕获了较小类别的目标物种,从而导致各个年龄段的捕鱼压力。楔形鱼物种全球上岸量大量减少的证据,以及印度尼西亚缠结网渔业中渔获量组成的变化,增加了人们对印度尼西亚鲨鱼状rays鱼状况的担忧。