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From AIDS to cancer: health activism, biotechnology and intellectual property in South Africa
Social Dynamics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-15 , DOI: 10.1080/02533952.2020.1853954
Mandisa Mbali 1


This article describes the evolution of access-to-medicines advocacy in South Africa from AIDS to cancer activism in a biotechnology era. It discusses the ways in which cancer-focused access-tomedicines activists have advocated for intellectual policy reform to enable the universal provision of cheaper biosimilar versions of trastuzumab, a highly effective treatment. Its central argument is that this cancer-focused access-to-medicines activism must be contextualised in relation to the history of AIDS advocacy on intellectual property and access to essential drugs. Firstly, as with the AIDS activism of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) for access to anti-retroviral drugs in the late 1990s and early 2000s, contemporary cancer-focused activism has been led by individual patients affected by the excessive prices of essential medicines. Secondly, both can be characterised as having been effectively integrated into transnational access-to-medicines advocacy networks. Thirdly, both types of activism have involved the popularisation of the science around different drugs. The transnational access-to-medicines movement has demonstrated how activists based in the global North and the global South can impactfully collaborate to achieve wider treatment access. We can, therefore, read contemporary transnational access-tomedicines activism as key in pressing for both the right to enjoy the benefits of science and global health justice.




