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The Mercers’ Company, London, and St Thomas Becket During the Reformation
The London Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/03058034.2020.1824365
Kirstin A. Barnard 1

On 14th March 1554 at the Mercers’ Hall on Cheapside, London, ‘serten velyns [villains] dyd breke the neke of the ymage of sant Thomas of Canturbere, and on of ys arms broke’. This attack followed a previous bout of iconoclasm earlier in the year. Through the biographical study of this statue of St Thomas Becket, this paper provides a fresh insight into the London experience of the Reformation in the first half of the sixteenth century. By drawing on theories of the temporal nature of art, the paper explores how the turbulent history of London, plus royal religious policies, during the English Reformation maps onto the treatment of the statue from the reign of Henry VIII to Elizabeth I. It considers the importance of the statue both to the Mercers’ Company and within the City and how the statue reflects the complex religious sentiments felt by contemporaries in London.



1554 年 3 月 14 日,在伦敦奇普赛德的 Mercers 大厅,“serten velyns [villains] dyd 打破了 Canturbere 的圣托马斯 (sant Thomas of Canturbere) 的 ymage 的脖子,并折断了他们的手臂”。这次袭击是在今年早些时候发生的前一轮破坏偶像运动之后发生的。通过对圣托马斯贝克特雕像的传记研究,本文提供了对 16 世纪上半叶伦敦宗教改革经历的全新见解。通过借鉴艺术的时间性理论,该论文探讨了英国宗教改革期间伦敦动荡的历史以及皇家宗教政策如何映射到从亨利八世统治到伊丽莎白一世时期对雕像的处理。