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Mesolithic AMS 14C Evidence on Microlithic and Pressure Blade Technology in the Lakeland of Eastern Lithuania
Lithic Technology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.1080/01977261.2020.1773144
Tomas Rimkus 1 , Žilvinas Ežerinskis 2 , Justina Šapolaitė 2 , Kęstutis Peseckas 3

ABSTRACT The paper presents directly dated evidence of microlithic and blade pressure technology from the newly discovered Žingiai Stone Age site situated in eastern Lithuania. During its extensive excavations in 2017–2018, numerous features containing typologically discerned lithic material and datable organic were uncovered. One feature, in particular, No. 11, contained preserved fragments of animal bones and wood charcoal. Its lithic inventory consisted of flint scrapers, burin, inserts, lanceolates and semi-conical core. Three AMS 14C dated charcoal samples, identified as Pinus sylvestris L., found in the feature was assigned to 8475–8223 cal BC, whereas their stratigraphical positions and estimated potential old wood effect enabled to relate this new radiochronology to lithic finds. The research allowed to shed new light in the discussion on the use and chronology of microliths, and the replacement of tanged point technology with microlithic implements at the beginning of the Mesolithic.


立陶宛东部湖区中石器AMS 14C关于微石器和压片技术的证据

摘要本文从立陶宛东部新发现的Žingiai石器时代遗址中,直接提供了过时的微石和叶片压力技术证据。在2017-2018年的大规模发掘中,发现了许多类型,包括类型学上可辨别的岩性材料和可数据的有机物。其中一个特征,特别是第11个特征,包含保存完好的动物骨头和木炭碎片。它的石器库存包括fl石刮刀,burin,刀片,披针形和半圆锥形芯。在该特征中发现的三个AMS 14C标注日期的木炭样品被定为樟子松,被指定为BC公元8475–8223年,而其地层位置和估计的潜在旧木效应使这一新的放射年代学与石器时代联系起来。