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Work Experiences of Rural Social Workers in the United States
Journal of Social Service Research ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-26 , DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2019.1658030
Jayme E. Walters 1 , Aubrey E. Jones 1 , Aaron R. Brown 1

Abstract Rural social workers face unique challenges and opportunities as they seek to address the needs of rural Americans. Using social media, rural social workers in the U.S. were recruited to describe their characteristics and explore factors related to their job satisfaction, burnout, and organizational commitment. Analyses included univariate descriptive statistics, bivariate correlations, and multiple regression. The sample (N = 192) represented 146 counties in 36 states. Participants tended to be White, female, MSW-degreed direct-service providers. Participants were moderately satisfied with their organizational environments and workloads. Age, being Black, and working in settings other than child welfare were most strongly related to satisfaction with workload. Personal burnout scores were highest followed by work-related and client-related burnout. Age and not working in child welfare were most strongly related to lower burnout scores. Being Black and having more tenure in one’s current job were associated with less client-related burnout. Participants indicated moderate levels of commitment to their organizations, with higher salaries and more tenure being the most strongly associated factors. Future research is necessary to examine more closely the work experiences of rural social workers who are younger, identify as racial or ethnic minorities, and employed in child welfare settings.



摘要农村社会工作者在寻求解决美国农村人口的需求时面临着独特的挑战和机遇。通过社交媒体,美国的农村社会工作者被招募来描述他们的特征,并探索与他们的工作满意度,职业倦怠和组织承诺有关的因素。分析包括单变量描述统计,双变量相关和多元回归。样本(N = 192)代表了36个州的146个县。参加者往往是白人,女性,城市固体废物级别的直接服务提供者。参与者对其组织环境和工作量感到满意。年龄,黑人和在除儿童福利以外的其他环境中工作与满足工作量关系最密切。个人的职业倦怠得分最高,其次是与工作有关和与客户有关的倦怠。年龄和未从事儿童福利工作与较低的倦怠分数密切相关。黑人和目前任职时间更长,与客户相关的倦怠较少。与会者表示对组织的承诺程度中等,其中薪金和任期更长是最紧密相关的因素。有必要进行进一步的研究,以更仔细地研究年轻的农村社会工作者的工作经验,他们是少数民族或少数民族,并受雇于儿童福利机构。与会者表示对组织的承诺程度中等,其中薪金和任期更长是最紧密相关的因素。有必要进行进一步的研究,以更仔细地研究年轻的农村社会工作者的工作经验,他们是少数民族或少数民族,并受雇于儿童福利机构。与会者表示对组织的承诺程度中等,其中薪金和任期更长是最紧密相关的因素。有必要进行进一步的研究,以更仔细地研究年轻的农村社会工作者的工作经验,他们是少数民族或少数民族,并受雇于儿童福利机构。