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Examining Character Strengths of Developmental Services Workers in Canada: A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study
Journal of Social Service Research ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-19 , DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2020.1825586
Olena H. Darewych 1 , Morgan E. Braganza 2 , Nicky J. Newton 3 , Kathryn Hubner Kozman 4 , Heidi Argyle 5


This sequential explanatory mixed-methods study examined the profile of character strengths in developmental services workers (DSWs) employed in Ontario, Canada and explored how they use their strengths when supporting people with developmental disabilities. In the quantitative phase of the study, nineteen (N = 19) DSWs completed the Global Assessment of Character Strengths questionnaire (GAS-72). In the qualitative phase, a sub-set of nine (n = 9) participants completed a single face-to-face interview where they identified their top five self-perceived character strengths, and described how they use them in their work when supporting their clients. The GAS-72 results indicated that participants rated the top eight character strengths as: humor, teamwork, fairness, honesty, kindness, self-regulation, love of learning, and perspective/wisdom. Interview findings indicated that participants used the character strengths of humor, love of learning, and perseverance concurrently to provide compassionate and meaningful care, to support their client’s overall well-being, and to motivate themselves to flourish in doing their work. Future research needs to examine how character strengths in DSWs and other social services professionals can promote employee well-being, job satisfaction, and compassionate care.




这项循序渐进的混合方法研究研究了加拿大安大略省雇用的发展服务工作者(DSW)的性格优势特征,并探讨了他们如何在为发展性残障人士提供支持时发挥其优势。在研究的定量阶段,有19名(N  = 19)的DSW完成了“性格优势全球评估”问卷(GAS-72)。在定性阶段,一个子集为9(n = 9)参与者完成了一次面对面的访谈,确定了自己的五个最重要的自我认知能力,并描述了在支持客户时如何在工作中使用它们。GAS-72的结果表明,参与者将八大人物的特长评为:幽默,团队合作,公平,诚实,善良,自我调节,热爱学习和具有远见/智慧。访谈结果表明,参与者同时利用幽默,学习热爱和毅力的性格优势提供同情和有意义的关怀,以支持其客户的整体福祉,并激励自己在工作中蓬勃发展。未来的研究需要研究DSW和其他社会服务专业人员的性格优势如何促进员工的福祉,工作满意度,
