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El Comandante Victor Dreke: The Making of a Cuban Revolutionary
Souls ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-30 , DOI: 10.1080/10999949.2019.1736933
Lisa Brock

Victor Emilo Dreke Cruz is a walking archive. Today, at age 82, his life represents the arch of the Cuban Revolution. He was fifteen in 1952, when General Batista waged a military coup in order to protect US neo-colonial and Cuban elite interests. It was at this moment that Dreke joined the resistance. First as an organizer, then in charge of a sabotage unit, and then as leader of campaigns against the dictator’s police and army. Once the revolution succeeded he took leadership in the Revolutionary Armed Forces. He battled US supported counter-revolutionary forces at the Bay of Pigs and in the Escambray Mountains and joined Che Guevara in the Congo after the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. He worked with the brilliant theorist Amilcar Cabral in Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde, and trained numerous leaders from Africa in Cuba. This article examines the extraordinary life of this man in the context of extraordinary events.


El Comandante Victor Dreke:古巴革命者的诞生

维克多·埃米洛·德雷克·克鲁兹(Victor Emilo Dreke Cruz)是步行档案。今天,他82岁的一生代表了古巴革命的拱门。1952年,他年仅15岁,当时巴蒂斯塔将军发动了军事政变,以保护美国的新殖民主义和古巴精英利益。正是在这一刻,德雷克加入了抵抗。首先是组织者,然后是破坏组织单位,然后是反对独裁者的警察和军队的运动的负责人。革命成功后,他就领导了革命武装力量。在帕特里斯·卢蒙巴(Patrice Lumumba)被暗杀之后,他在猪湾和埃斯坎布雷山脉(Escambray Mountains)与美国支持的反革命力量作战,并在刚果加入了格瓦拉(Che Guevara)。他与几内亚比绍和佛得角的杰出理论家Amilcar Cabral合作,并在古巴培训了来自非洲的众多领导人。
