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The Red Barrial Afrodescendiente: A Cuban Experiment in Black Community Empowerment
Souls ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-30 , DOI: 10.1080/10999949.2019.1736904
Geoffroy de Laforcade , Devyn Springer

In November 2012, a group of Black women across Cuba came together to form the Red Barrial Afrodescendiente (“Afrodescendant Neighborhood Network”, or RBA). Within its group of initiators were educators, academics, artists, writers, scientists, and activists, all who worked at various levels in both governmental and grassroots capacities. The goal of this newly formed network was to form generative discussion opportunities surrounding race, racism, gender, sexuality, and discrimination in Cuba, with a community pedagogy model inspired by Paulo Freire’s method of popular education. Since the humble beginnings of the RBA, the group has grown into a vast network of workers and individuals from various sectors of Cuban civil society, from cultural workers and academics to educators and youth, all involved at varying levels to change the landscape of dominant conversation surrounding discrimination, historical memory, culture, and intersecting identities in Cuba.


红色Barrial Afrodescendiente:古巴黑人社区赋权实验

2012年11月,一群来自古巴的黑人妇女聚集在一起,组成了红色Barrial Afrodescendiente(“ Afrodescendant邻居网络”或RBA)。在其发起者群体中,包括教育者,学者,艺术家,作家,科学家和活动家,他们都以政府和基层的身份在各个层次上工作。这个新组建的网络的目标是在保罗·弗莱雷(Paulo Freire)的大众教育方法的启发下,在古巴形成围绕种族,种族主义,性别,性取向和歧视的创生性讨论机会。自澳大利亚皇家银行成立以来,该集团已发展成为一个庞大的工人和个人网络,来自古巴民间社会的各个部门,从文化工作者和学者到教育工作者和青年,都参与了不同程度的活动,以改变主流对话的格局周围的歧视,历史记忆,文化,
