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Ontological Pluralism, Modes of Existence, and Actor-network Theory: Upgrading Latour with Latour
Social Epistemology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-11 , DOI: 10.1080/02691728.2020.1774815
Jonathan Tummons 1

ABSTRACT Bruno Latour, one of the architects of actor-network theory, has now enfolded this approach within a larger project: An Inquiry into Modes of Existence. Framed as an empirical inquiry into the ontological and epistemological conditions of modernity, Latour argues for a radical shift in how ‘objectified knowledge’ is established within the world. In this article I draw on AIME in order to respond to criticisms of actor-network theory that derive from broader sociological and philosophical standpoints. I argue that actor-network theory should now only be understood as an integral aspect of Latour’s newer inquiry, and ought no longer to be considered in isolation but instead as being integrated within a critical as well as pragmatic reading of Latour’s AIME project.



摘要 Bruno Latour 是行动者网络理论的架构师之一,现在已经将这种方法包含在一个更大的项目中:对存在模式的调查。作为对现代性的本体论和认识论条件的实证研究,拉图尔主张彻底改变“客观化知识”在世界范围内的建立方式。在这篇文章中,我利用 AIME 来回应来自更广泛的社会学和哲学观点的对行动者网络理论的批评。我认为,行动者网络理论现在只应被理解为拉图尔新研究的一个组成部分,不应再孤立地考虑,而应将其整合到对拉图尔 AIME 项目的批判性和务实阅读中。