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The Moving Boundaries of Bears Ears: Ecological Rhetorics and the Shrinking of a Monument
Rhetoric Society Quarterly ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1080/02773945.2020.1813323
Joshua Smith

ABSTRACT In this essay, I argue that neoliberalism should be thought of ecologically. Working from the ecological turn in rhetorical studies, I hold that ecology is often used as a framework to describe how rhetorics interact, transform, and alter one another. Understood in terms of interaction, transformation, and alteration, neoliberalism fundamentally transforms (and is transformed by) the rhetorics and discourses with which it comes into contact. I demonstrate this process of transformation through the case of Bears Ears National Monument’s shrinking boundaries as they came into contact with the different neoliberal commitments of two presidents, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Following the presidents’ different neoliberalisms, I show that both neoliberalism and the boundaries changed through interactions with factors in the monument’s dynamic ecology.



摘要 在这篇文章中,我认为新自由主义应该从生态的角度来思考。从修辞研究的生态转向,我认为生态学经常被用作描述修辞如何相互作用、转化和改变彼此的框架。从相互作用、转变和改变的角度来理解,新自由主义从根本上改变了(并被其转化)它所接触的修辞和话语。我通过熊耳国家纪念碑边界缩小的案例展示了这一转变过程,因为它们接触到了两位总统巴拉克奥巴马和唐纳德特朗普的不同新自由主义承诺。遵循总统不同的新自由主义,