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Rhetorics of the Cognitive Vernacular: Blame Amid the Opioid Crisis
Rhetoric Society Quarterly ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-14 , DOI: 10.1080/02773945.2020.1841273
Michelle G. Gibbons

ABSTRACT In public discourse, lay cognitive precepts are invoked at every turn. People regularly speak of believing, thinking, knowing, and so forth, ascribing those states to themselves and others alike. This essay identifies the cognitive vernacular as a discernible dimension of public discourse, one that includes such regularly deployed lay precepts as well as popularized psychological and neuroscientific ideas. The cognitive vernacular may find expression in focal texts (e.g., a self-help book on positive thinking), but also pervasively, and somewhat elusively, takes shape in discussions that are otherwise overtly concerned. This essay takes the public discussion regarding the discovery of a teenage heroin ring in Centreville, Virginia, in 2008, a single episode within the large-scale and enduring American opioid crisis, as a focal site to investigate the cognitive vernacular. In doing so, it discerns how lay precepts concerning choice and knowledge are wielded as rhetorical resources to both cast and mitigate blame.



摘要 在公共话语中,世俗的认知戒律每时每刻都会被引用。人们经常谈到相信、思考、知道等等,将这些状态归因于他们自己和他人。本文将认知白话确定为公共话语的一个可辨别维度,其中包括此类经常部署的俗俗戒律以及普及的心理学和神经科学思想。认知白话可能会在重点文本中得到表达(例如,一本关于积极思考的自助书),但也普遍存在,而且有点难以捉摸,在其他公开关注的讨论中形成。这篇文章是关于 2008 年在弗吉尼亚州森特维尔发现青少年海洛因戒指的公开讨论,这是大规模和持久的美国阿片类药物危机中的一个插曲,作为研究认知白话的焦点站点。在这样做时,它辨别出关于选择和知识的世俗戒律是如何作为修辞资源来施展和减轻责备的。