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Beyond bath bombs: partner’s response to postpartum depression
Journal of Family Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-15 , DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2020.1827007
December Maxwell 1, 2 , Regina T. Praetorius 2 , Craig Keaton 2 , Komal Alam 2


Postpartum depression is a significant public health concern due to the physical, emotional, economic, and life course outcomes. Postpartum depression (PPD) can have multiple impacts on the mother, child development, and family. PPD severity is also influenced by social support, including partner support. Per family systems theory, each family member is not an isolated individual, but rather subject to the functioning of the family unit. Extant research focuses on maternal response to PPD, as well as recent inquiries into paternal depression. However, less known is how partners perceive postpartum depression, and more specifically, what they have done to help their partner experiencing PPD in order to restore familial equilibrium as a result of the PPD stressor. Understanding what has worked for partners of those experiencing PPD can lead to better partner-support interventions intending to reduce the impact PPD has on not only the mother, but the infant as well. As such, this study used a qualitative thematic analysis approach, with an interface of family systems and family stress theories, to analyse comments made on Reddit by partners. Themes included: just be there for her; seek outside support; understand what she goes through; and not all partners make it through.




由于身体、情感、经济和生命历程的结果,产后抑郁症是一个重要的公共卫生问题。产后抑郁症 (PPD) 会对母亲、儿童发育和家庭产生多重影响。PPD 的严重程度也受到社会支持的影响,包括合作伙伴的支持。根据家庭系统理论,每个家庭成员都不是孤立的个体,而是受制于家庭单元的运作。现有的研究侧重于母亲对 PPD 的反应,以及最近对父亲抑郁症的调查。然而,鲜为人知的是伴侣如何看待产后抑郁症,更具体地说,他们为帮助伴侣经历 PPD 以恢复 PPD 压力源导致的家庭平衡所做的工作。了解对患有 PPD 的人的合作伙伴有效的方法可以导致更好的合作伙伴支持干预措施,旨在减少 PPD 不仅对母亲而且对婴儿的影响。因此,本研究采用定性主题分析方法,结合家庭系统和家庭压力理论,分析合作伙伴对 Reddit 的评论。主题包括:为她而存在;寻求外部支持;了解她的经历;并非所有合作伙伴都能成功。寻求外部支持;了解她的经历;并非所有合作伙伴都能成功。寻求外部支持;了解她的经历;并非所有合作伙伴都能成功。
