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Is my kid that naive? Parents’ perceptions of their children’s attitudes towards advertising on smartphones in Chile
Journal of Children and Media ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-27 , DOI: 10.1080/17482798.2020.1866626
Beatriz Feijoo 1 , Charo Sádaba 2


It is common to identify the ability to recognize advertising as a requirement for the development of a critical attitude towards commercial content. This paper reflects on the perception parents have of their children who, as active users of mobile devices, are recipients of advertising. We thought interesting to draw a comparison between parent and child responses to corroborate the level of consistency between adult perception and what children stated regarding their attitude towards the advertising to which they were exposed. In order to do so a survey was applied in dyads in 501 households in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile showing that parents and guardians tend to underestimate the trust that children place in the advertising appearing on the channels they watch most on their mobile devices. It is needed a ground a solid starting point to enable subsequent research on childcare, content supervision and parental and social mediation.


a. Prior State of Knowledge:

Researchers agree on the limitations of the conceptual knowledge of a message’s persuasive intention for children to process commercial content. However, the potential impact of the advertising children deal with through digital media, and their parents’ awareness of it, is under-researched.

b. Novel Contributions:

There are important differences in the perception of children and parents regarding mobile advertising and the way children interact with it. Parents are not aware of how their children trust the commercial messages they see while using their mobile phones.

c. Practical Implications:

Differences in perceptions between children and their parents are of interest to parental mediation researchers. From a methodological perspective, this article shows that parent-child dyad research is highly relevant, because it can reveal nuances in children’s media use and media literacy.




识别广告的能力是培养对商业内容的批判态度的必要条件,这一点很常见。本文反映了父母对他们的孩子的看法,他们作为移动设备的活跃用户,是广告的接收者。我们认为比较父母和孩子的反应很有趣,以证实成人的看法与孩子们对他们所接触的广告的态度之间的一致性水平。为此,一项针对智利圣地亚哥大都市区 501 户家庭的调查显示,父母和监护人往往低估了儿童对出现在他们在移动设备上最常观看的频道上的广告的信任度。




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