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Evolution of economic thought in the Ottoman Empire and early Republican Turkey
Middle Eastern Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-27 , DOI: 10.1080/00263206.2020.1831473
Vedit İnal 1


Up until the late eighteenth century, the economic understanding of the Ottoman elite was based on the worldview of the scholars of the Madrasah system. The first Ottoman treatises in modern economics began to be written in the second quarter of the nineteenth century, close to 300 years after the emergence of the subject during the Mercantilist era. The nineteenth century witnessed a gradual increase in economic analyses, together with the introduction of the subject in various institutions of higher education. However, a breakthrough in the development of economic thinking in the country had to wait until the foundation of the Republic in 1923, the emergence of the journal Kadro and the establishment of Istanbul University a decade later. This article traces the emergence and development of economics in the Ottoman Empire and in the first decade and a half of the Turkish Republic.




直到十八世纪末,对奥斯曼帝国精英的经济了解都是基于伊斯兰学校体系的学者们的世界观。现代经济学的第一份奥斯曼帝国专着开始于19世纪第二个季度编写,距重商主义时代出现该主题已有近300年的历史。十九世纪见证了经济分析的逐步增加,同时在各种高等教育机构中引入了该主题。但是,该国经济思想发展的突破必须等到1923年共和国成立后,《卡德罗》杂志才出现十年后成立了伊斯坦布尔大学 本文追溯了奥斯曼帝国以及土耳其共和国成立后的第一个十年半中经济学的出现和发展。
