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Contract labor migration as an agent of revolutionary change in the Danish West Indies
Labor History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1080/0023656x.2020.1830955
Lomarsh Roopnarine 1

ABSTRACT The following article examines the post-emancipation labor contract migration (1848–1917) from the eastern Caribbean islands to the Danish West Indies. This migration was intended to fill a labor vacuum caused by the emancipation of slaves in 1848. The migrant laborers technically had fewer restrictions than slaves did, but the planter class used the restrictive Labor Act of 1849 at their disposal to have total control over the laborers. During this period, the positions of the planter and laboring classes became polarized. The former wanted total control of labor, while the latter wanted fair treatment in the contractual labor engagements. The result was that the labor class, with their festering problems, formed a strong camaraderie among themselves. Migrant and native challenged their working and living conditions. Their dissatisfaction eventually manifested in riots, locally known as Fireburn or Fyah Bun, which resulted in the destruction of property and the loss of life. The riots, however, changed local working conditions and eventually accelerated the decline of Danish colonialism on St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas. These revolutionary events and agents of change created a new platform for how labor relations would be conducted in the Danish West Indies – a platform that was created from the position of the laboring class.



摘要 以下文章考察了从东加勒比群岛到丹麦西印度群岛的解放后劳动合同移民(1848-1917 年)。这次移民旨在填补 1848 年奴隶解放造成的劳动力真空。从技术上讲,移民劳工比奴隶受到的限制更少,但种植者阶级利用 1849 年的限制性劳工法来完全控制劳工. 在此期间,种植园主和劳动阶级的立场变得两极分化。前者希望对劳动力进行全面控制,而后者希望在合同劳务中得到公平待遇。其结果是,劳工阶级的问题日益恶化,他们之间形成了强烈的友情。移民和本地人对他们的工作和生活条件提出了挑战。他们的不满最终表现为骚乱,当地称为 Fireburn 或 Fyah Bun,导致财产损失和生命损失。然而,骚乱改变了当地的工作条件,最终加速了丹麦殖民主义在圣克罗伊、圣约翰和圣托马斯的衰落。这些革命性事件和变革推动者为丹麦西印度群岛如何处理劳资关系创造了一个新平台——这个平台是从劳动阶级的立场创建的。